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2011 TCF LWB Entries
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 Posted: Tue Jan 25th, 2011 09:17 pm
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Joined: Tue Nov 18th, 2008
Location: California USA
Posts: 394
Please put your bio and your card descriptions here.


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 Posted: Mon Feb 14th, 2011 04:55 am
2nd Post

Joined: Sun Nov 9th, 2008
Location: San Diego, California USA
Posts: 162
The Queen of Coins is my Mom in every sense. In the background is a nostalgic castle that I will be staying with some Tarot friends this Autumn in Tuscany and also represents wealth, longevity, power and traditions/culture being passed down. Nature abounds in the image; an important aspect of her energy. She holds a Queen of Coins card from one of my decks; she knows her strength, and plays her hand well. 
Technique: I took an old B&W photograph and gently colorized it in Photoshop. Then put some filters on it, such as a soft Distort> Pinch (to exaggerate certain features), then Artistic> Watercolor and also Hue Saturation, to bring out the vintage look and feel. The rest of it was collaged in layers (Add layer mask>Reveal All was done, in order to make the layers appear more seamless). It has 8 main layers and several minor ones. I spent about 10 hours on this card, enjoying the meditative process and hoping to attract some of that green Queen of Coins vibe.
Bio: I've created 4 decks and collaborated on well over a dozen group decks such as this and think they are great fun & inspiration. I'm a passionate collector of Tarot art/decks. I enjoy blabbing on about Tarot art, history, symbology & the creative process with friends. http://www.arnellart.com

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 Posted: Fri Feb 18th, 2011 11:31 am
3rd Post

Joined: Thu Aug 20th, 2009
Location: India
Posts: 63
The 6 of Swords - In this card there is a typical Indian woman moving on a boat towards her village. There are 5 swords lying on her boat and 1 sword is held in her hand. She is also holding onto a wooden boat in her right hand. Unlike a depressed woman in other 6 of sword cards here this woman looks happy and content travelling in her boat surrounded by nature, lotus flowers, birds like peacock and ducks.

The 6 of Cups - This card is depicted with a Palace and there is a Maharaja with his two children who are offering their cups to Lord Krishna who is seated on a lotus flower. Lord Krishna is also holding onto two cups and the 6th cup is the Lotus flower the ultimate cup of happiness.

The 6 of wands - There is no actual depiction of 6 wands here but yes sign of victory the horseman is denoting after attacking a roaring tiger with a wooden wand is signifying stupendous courage and challenge. Definitely a sign of sucess and heroism.

The 6 of  pentacles - A money lender is busy counting his coins in middle of a forest. He is just so preoccupied with his weighing scales and money Just like Buddha would be lost in meditation, here the money lender is lost in his materialistic pursuits.

Technique: All the cards are oil painting done on canvas sheets. The canvas sheets are A4 size.

Bio: My own hand painted tarot deck is of 22 major cards titled 'Desi Tarot'. I enjoy doing oil paintings, reading tarot, oracles, participating in tarot related discussions. http://www.pragathipriyadev.com

Last edited on Wed Apr 6th, 2011 05:34 am by NAMASTEINDIA

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 Posted: Sat Mar 5th, 2011 01:40 am
4th Post

Joined: Thu Sep 20th, 2007
Location: Dallas, Texas USA
Posts: 1255
Page of Wands-Description
Happy, happy, happy.  Lets play!

Made with royalty free images and alittle bit of Paintship Pro.


Emperor description:

A wise authority figure, or there is information you need.

Made with Royalty free images and alittle bit of Paintshop Pro


Last edited on Sat Mar 19th, 2011 12:26 am by skad1

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 Posted: Wed Mar 9th, 2011 07:47 pm
5th Post

Joined: Fri Oct 12th, 2007
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia USA
Posts: 137
The yellow iris is a symbol of passion and depth of feeling.  Perhaps this clarifies the deeper meaning of Temperance.  How can we have harmony, balance and well being without the burning passion or desire for synchronicity? 


Temperance is a well studies card, with a barrage of meaning and interpretations linking it to Greek mythology and even Jesus Christ.  It’s a complicated card at best but Arthur Edward Waite said it best in the Pictorial Key to the Tarot.  “… It is called Temperance fantastically, because, when the rule of it obtains in our consciousness, it tempers, combines and harmonizes the psychic and material natures…”


When you look at this version of Temperance use it as a pause…a pause to clear your mind and renew your thoughts…a pause to reflect on your mood, attitude – what is your true disposition?   


This card was created with royalty free images in Powerpoint by Ambriel, a tarot lover in Atlanta, Georgia.

Last edited on Wed Mar 9th, 2011 07:49 pm by Ambriel

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 Posted: Wed Mar 30th, 2011 11:12 pm
6th Post

Joined: Sun Feb 21st, 2010
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 87
The High Priestess: This is a photo of my sister’s cat, in full possession of her desk! The High Priestess has withdrawn into her own world. She is passive and quiet. Yet she has the power to draw you in. There is a great calm surrounding the High Priestess – she has surrendered to her path.

The Ten of Swords: This is a photo of the gate from my sister’s side-yard into her back-yard. What is the gate keeping us out of? What is the fence keeping hidden from us? What is the truth in the tree stump? What is ending, and what is beginning? Where is our truth?

The Ten of Pentacles: This is a photo of my mother’s backyard pond. The little feline is my Maxwell – he may be studying the fish population, but he wasn’t a very good fisherman, to the best of my knowledge! The little Gnome is watching over him closely – taking care of family. Earthly pleasures abound in the pond, Maxwell himself, and the surrounding greenery.

Bio: I have been reading the Tarot professionally for over 15 years. I also do reviews and interviews on a continuing basis (they can be found at http://aeclectic.net/tarot). I have a book – working title “Keys To empowerment” – due out from Schiffer Books in the fall of 2011.

Last edited on Tue Apr 5th, 2011 09:38 pm by Crystalgate

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 Posted: Tue Apr 5th, 2011 09:10 pm
7th Post

Joined: Wed Sep 12th, 2007
Location: United Kingdom
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Moon: Dark mysteries below the water. Things are not as they seem.

Caerlaverock Castle, and a brewery sign from Brugge.

8 Cups: Leaving it all behind can also mean leaving the full cup as well as the trash - but sometimes it has to be done.

Dumfries station in the evening, with some assorted garbage I added later (they do actually keep the station very clean !)

10 Wands: No-one can do everything, and it is too much effort to try - learn to pass on some of the work before you wear yourself out.

A man carrying wood homeward for heating, on a mountain trail up to Changanarayan Temple, in Nepal.

gregory is still a proud granny, living in Northumberland and Ontario simultaneously. She is obsessed with joining in collaborative decks for fear of not being entitled to own a copy. Her preferred medium is photoshop and her digital camera is her constant companion. All the photos used are her own. No copyright issues here !

Last edited on Tue Apr 5th, 2011 09:11 pm by gregory

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 Posted: Tue Apr 12th, 2011 11:12 pm
8th Post

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Location: San Diego, California USA
Posts: 162
XXI The World

The World encompasses our everything; food, shelter, body, mind & heart; our existence resides on this little blue ball. Our World is the primal mother Gaia and it sure feels like lately she is getting fed up with abuses of the laws of nature and is wrecking havoc on us. In this card, Gaia appears beautiful, timeless and fit to kick some serious butt. A snake; (symbolic of ancient Goddess culture and the life/death/rebirth cycle) is coiled like a whip, ready to strike. In Gaia’s other hand she holds earth (fuse lit), while a primitive creature grabs for it. The ancient Roman column represents Democracy while a more modern looking column refers to its evil offshoot Capitalism; which most often is in direct opposition to our role as guardians of the World. Our collective greed and lack of foresight may be a ticking time bomb. In the background a Twilight Zone vortex swallows up our sense of time and space and the pathway leads off to nothingness. 


(Bio is shared with my other contribution, Queen of Coins)

Last edited on Tue Apr 12th, 2011 11:12 pm by Arnell

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 Posted: Mon May 23rd, 2011 06:49 pm
9th Post

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Location: Chicagoland, Illinois USA
Posts: 779
2 of Wands

“For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.” AC

The two of wands is about transforming inspiration into action. My version was created by the judicious use of public domain images, photoshop, and valium.

Artist Bio: Tarot fiend, mother of two, witch. I run the Second Sunday Tarot group in the Chicagoland area- 4 years strong and no arrests! This is the third year I have participated in the TCF Collaborative Deck and thrilled to be included in the project...Nicole Diamond

Last edited on Sun Jul 3rd, 2011 01:08 am by nicole

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 Posted: Mon May 23rd, 2011 09:53 pm
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Location: Washington USA
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Nicole -

No arrests? You must be doing something wrong! :cl


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 Posted: Mon May 23rd, 2011 10:45 pm
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Location: Chicagoland, Illinois USA
Posts: 779
Crystalgate wrote: Nicole -

No arrests? You must be doing something wrong! :cl


We just haven't been caught :bl 

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 Posted: Tue May 24th, 2011 08:08 am
12th Post

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Location: Washington USA
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Nicole -

Always good to be circumspect! :cool:


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 Posted: Thu Jun 2nd, 2011 07:57 pm
13th Post

Three of Cups


In the artist's take on the tradition of the Rider Waite Tarot, the Three of Cups is about celebrating your blessings.  Here, glasses of champagne are ready on the tablecloth to celebrate and enjoy the bounty ranged about them: luscious ripe fruit. 

While the harvest in this rendition is literal, it can be figurative as well.  It can instead represent the celebration of a new marriage, a new baby, a new chapter in one's life.  Or it can be a celebration just because.  Whatever the reason, in fortune-telling the Three of Cups indicates that there is or will soon be something very happy to be joyful about in life. 


Digital photography.  Ginger ale provided an economic stand-in for champagne in the glasses. 

Three of Swords


Through the lens of a rain-streaked window at night, three spades hang threateningly over a heart.  Unapologetically a Rider Waite take on the card, it is a bleak rainy image of disappointment and heartsickness. 

The suit of Spades in standard playing cards are roughly equivalent to the Tarot suit of Swords, and in most cartomantic systems using playing cards the Spades cards herald trouble, strife and unhappiness.  The three spades shown here are poised, point-down, over the heart.  They may not have pierced it yet but one often finds that the anticipation of heartbreak, disappointment or bad news is just as bad as (if not worse than) the moment that it happens.  This version of the Three of Swords hints of this: the dread and expectation of the moment the blow falls. 


Digitally created using Sumo Paint. 

Eight of Wands

A scroll stands in a grove of slender birch trees, gold ribbons tied around eight of them.  Written on the scroll is a rough interpretation of the Eight of Wands from a simple numerological and elemental standpoint with some help from Paul Marteau's numerology: "Eights in the Tarot bring together the square and the cross; they are connected to stability, bringing about a balance between stability on the physical plane and harmony on the spiritual plane.  When combined with the creative growth of the Wands this card heralds effective and satisfactory news and communication."  This is my interpretation in a nutshell.

In Celtic tree astrology, both stability and the sun's energy are associated with white birch.  This ties to both the Eight and the Wands, which are commonly associated with Fire. 


Digitally created using Sumo Paint. 


Jackdaw was a member of the Tarot Collectors Forum at the time these cards were created. 

Last edited on Tue Jun 28th, 2011 12:06 pm by

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 Posted: Tue Jun 14th, 2011 09:17 pm
14th Post

Joined: Sat Nov 17th, 2007
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Posts: 985
The spiritual aspect of humanity tames the animal nature like rays of pure light unfolding.

This queen is using the water in her golden cup with which to skry. Her own face, reflective, emotional, dreamy and tranquil, looks back at her.

Creative, energetic and passionate, this Queen of Wands has embraced the magic in her fiery nature.

Card Descriptions
All the images were created with transparent coloured inks on watercolour paper, allowing each colour to dry before adding the next to build up a complex multi-layered surface.

Bio: Penelope Cline
Artist and writer with a passion for tarot art and history, comparative religion, the esoteric and those places where myth and legend cross and mingle. Admirer of snails, creator of The Mystic Rubáiyát, The Pen Tarot and The Wild Green Chagallian Tarot. Currently working on a new 78 card tarot, in which these cards will probably be included.

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 Posted: Wed Jun 15th, 2011 08:02 pm
15th Post

Joined: Fri Oct 12th, 2007
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia USA
Posts: 137
The Knight of Wands is me.  I walked around for months trying to decide who is my Knight of Wands.  All the while, I was justifying why I was not the Knight of Wands because I felt like a grown woman should hide any sense of inmaturity or insecurity. Isn't that the right way for a 21st century woman to think?...I have too much responsibility and I can't show any weakness.  Finally, I realized I have to accept my own spiritual inmaturity despite my age, education and extensive travels.  Maturity doesn't come with age; it comes with acceptance of responsibility. 

The King of Pentacles. Materialism is a plague which has spread through this era of capitalism we call the 21st Century.  Want - Need - Desire - Like - Love - GOTTA HAVE IT.  It appears to have have turned into a vicious cycle.  If we spend money on frivolous, needful things, we are wrong and labelled as materialistic and wasteful.  If we don't spend money on frivolous, needful things, we are wrong because somewhere down the line a waitress or factory worker who depends on the consumer to live will suffer.  For some reason, whenever I look at the King of Pentacles, I see a materialistic person who should and does know better but has no chance in hell of winning against the World.  

Technique: Powerpoint.

Bio: Ambriel is a long time student of the tarot and enjoys piddling around in anything eclectic.  Ambriel lives in Atlanta with her two children, mother and Bucky the Black Cat.



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 Posted: Sat Jun 25th, 2011 02:17 pm
16th Post

Joined: Fri Sep 21st, 2007
Posts: 424
12 Hanged Man

Enlightenment. The outer personality turned upside down by a very real and personal experience.  Spiritual awakening; a reversal of attitude.  Peace and understanding gained through inner awareness . Surrender and release through conscious choice.  A solitary journey of reconnection with life.

5 of Swords

The 5 of Swords speaks to self interest  and open dishonor.  The consequences of the loss of a moral compass; losing sight of what’s right.  Treachery and a lack of integrity.  

The background of this card is the text of the Indian Removal Act, which resulted in the modern genocide known as the Trail of Tears.  In one of America’s most blatant travesties, the boundaries of the sovereign Indian nations were dissolved so that the US Government could expropriate the land.   Many of the relocated Native Americans died of exposure and starvation during this enforced removal, which opened up millions of acres of land for white settlement. 

7 of Cups

The 7 of Cups is more about delusion than illusion. It implies a lack of focus when faced with various choices – is the ultimate prize behind Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3?  In the iconic story by W.W. Jacobs, the monkey’s paw is a talisman which grants three wishes, but at the cost of devastating personal consequences.  We are broken.  We grasp onto that which we think will fix us, but what we think we see isn’t real.  Time to remove the rose colored glasses and take responsibility for the decisions we make.


Kimberly Gibbs Fordham was ten years old when she received her first tarot deck (the Hoi Polloi) as a gift.  Over the past forty years she has created three tarot decks, conceptualized a fourth, and written numerous reviews.  She is originally from Connecticut and currently resides in central  Florida.

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 Posted: Tue Jun 28th, 2011 03:16 am
17th Post

Joined: Fri Jun 17th, 2011
Location: Cook Islands
Posts: 37
I The Magician

The first of the major Arcana, The Magician represents birth and incarnation and childhood.  He is assimilated to the Aces of the Minor Arcana to which he transmits his energy. As with the Aces he represents  unity and undiscriminating intuitive action cutting through duality.
In time he is present,  the here and now. His personality traits are candor, charm, curiosity, open mindedness and faculties of imagination and ingenuity. He is skillful,  quick and willing to learn.
The magician points to our potential. It is he that stirs us from our dreams and coaxes us to recognize and develop the gifts, capabilities, skills and talent necessary to make our dreams come true. He is “Magic” in that he opens up our eyes to what we have yet to discover in ourselves. He is the “Seer” in all directions, but also the Eye within. His finger is the wand of action in the sentient world and orients us through  the elements : earth, air, fire and water.
The finger/wand is held upright appeals for our attention and encourages us to develop wholeheartedness, diligence, application, tenacity and care.
In the negative his finger/wand is warns us not to misuse our potential for fear that our projects fail to gain substance or dissipate like mist into empty regrets and remorse. In his face hides the reddish, devilish profile of devious cunning. We must beware of how easily our unique capabilities can slip into treacherous duplicities of manipulation and deceit.
The Magician bears the signs that tell us that Creation is a sacred ever evolving flux to be revered and honored. He carries with him the promise that only by abiding in ethical actions and behavior shall we succeed in our endeavor.

The Ace of Pentacles

Unity, wholeness,  completion, beginning and end of material success. The spiral invites us to go beyond : material success is only a part of our lives and not the ultimate purpose. We have yet  to evolve and mature further towards full realization.
The stonework represents the solid foundations of ethical values on which we may build further meaning  through dedication and service to  the sentient world. 
However in the negative the stonework defines a walled up, self centered and self serving attitude towards life and others  engendering rejection and ultimate isolation.
Purple is the symbol of wealth,  green symbolizes wealth as the fodder of creativity, gold symbolizes the purity of creation.
The  bird symbols inside the eggs  represent a new beginning : we must refrain from clinging to our success and prepare ourselves to fly away towards a higher goal. The figures with upheld arms call upon our generosity, the necessity to let go and bestow our wealth on to others for fear of falling into the trap of cupidity and greed.

Bio: As an artist and a collector of tarots it has always been my dream to create a tarot deck. Now retired in the Cook Islands and certainly helped by the Magician who urged me to browse and join this group (to whom I shall ever be grateful), I have the time and inspiration to develop an iconography of my own. Blending my European, (French and English) origins to my newly embraced culture of the Pacific Islands I see these two cards as an invitation to work my way further and more deeply to materialize my visions along the Arcana Pathways.
These are painted in acrylic, scanned, scaled and tidied up in Photoshop.

Last edited on Tue Jun 28th, 2011 03:20 am by clandestinezen

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 Posted: Wed Jun 29th, 2011 07:40 pm
18th Post

Joined: Mon Oct 22nd, 2007
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 46
Page of Cups: Cups are usually associated with pleasure and the page with youth, so I thought I would suggest that some beauty is skin deep.

Five of Coins: I wanted to try something akin to a transformation card for my pip and saw daisies in garden that I pass walking to work. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Knight of Swords: Well, unlike a King, Queen, or Page, this is the guy who actually does the fighting and as they say, those who live by the sword, die by it.

Technique: I'm just not an artist and can't draw for toffee without a set square. So, these were composed in Poser - a 3D figure posing program - and then post-worked in PSP and Postworkshop Pro

Bio: Just a man who likes a nice cup of tea and a game of cards.

Last edited on Wed Jun 29th, 2011 07:41 pm by philebus

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 Posted: Thu Jun 30th, 2011 07:03 am
19th Post

Joined: Sun Jan 27th, 2008
Location: Masterton, New Zealand
Posts: 334
Dang! There are only 30 odd LWB entries posted here so far, and down here in "downunder" it's already the 30th of June ! So I'm only just scraping in by the seat of my pants...

With crooked blade and tampered scale, this One-Eyed Justice stands on shakey ground. Through the ever shifting landscape of Tarot's history, the Triumphal procession has seen Justice in seventh, eighth, nineth, eleventh and twentieth place; where's the justice in that? But after putting regional preferences aside, and be it with or without blindfold, OR the meddling of esotericists from de Mellet onward, her mission remains the same: to balance the energies of cause and effect; the universal agent of karma.
Rendered with pencil, scanner, and Photoshop.

Four of Coins.
Many interpretations for this card refer to a legacy or inheritance, so for this design I decided to use the Royal Maundy Money given to my Grandfather in 1905, which conveniently came in a little set of four coins! If my process has been correct, they should be life size on the finished card. 'Hold fast to that which is good', but beware of becoming too much of a hoarder. So remember to 'blow' a good proportion of what loot comes your way, so as to keep that energy flowing. The flags remind us that Coins correlate with AIR, just as currency 'circulates', and after all, coins are 'round'.
Rendered with hoarded Maundy Money, coloured pencils, scanner, and Photoshop.

I have taken part in the last two TCF decks, but no bios were included in the LWBs, so just have a gander at my profile on the Aeclectic Tarot forum.

Last edited on Thu Jun 30th, 2011 07:07 am by Sumada

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 Posted: Thu Jun 30th, 2011 10:11 pm
20th Post

Joined: Tue Oct 9th, 2007
Posts: 1069

She is the Mother, and She is also the Earth, pregnant with life in all it's forms. She is the Earth Goddess herself. The Empress stands for fertility, nature, nurturing, caring and taking care of oneself and others. 
Card was drawn with pencil and later inked with a black marker.


2 of pentacles:

The 2 of pentacles is about keeping balance, doing multiple things at the same time and trying to juggle or coordinate them. But in a light and playfull manner, just like the cheerleader in the card. Which possibilities are there, how can you play around with ideas, be flexible and have fun?
Card was drawn with pencil and later inked with a black marker.

2 of Swords:

The 2 of swords is without withdrawing, not wanting to see reality, closing your eyes to what is going on, avoiding, being on guard against what you perceive is dangerous (the truth, reality), feeling afraid, denying true feelings and being stuck.
This card was drawn with charcoal on white paper.

Artist Bio: truelighth is Saskia Jansen. I’ve been addicted to tarot since 1996. I mostly collect decks, but I also do readings (only with the Rider Waite). I was born and raised and still live in the Netherlands

Last edited on Thu Jun 30th, 2011 10:39 pm by truelighth

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 Posted: Sat Jul 2nd, 2011 04:33 am
21st Post

Joined: Wed Jan 9th, 2008
Location: Morton Grove, Illinois USA
Posts: 48
The Happy Designer Card - The decks and books shown in the picture give a feel for the designer's wealth of information that will spill over into creating a deck (or a single card, as in this collaborative deck). Where do the card pictures come from? The creator's mind, of course. The paint brush and palette represent the artistic ideas we all have; I am smiling because I am a happy designer :D


Janet Berres is a tarot reader, teacher, author and  collector. She seldom is a tarot designer, usually being content to only collect the 78 mystical pictures we call tarot. She very much appreciates the chance to contribute and be a part of the 2011 TCF deck -- to be connected in this way to her very talented collegues!

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 Posted: Sun Jul 3rd, 2011 01:24 am
22nd Post

Joined: Sun Jan 6th, 2008
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois USA
Posts: 779
The Tower Card:
The ruin has fallen to the ground broken into mounds, where at one time many a warrior, joyous and ornamented with gold-bright splendour, proud and flushed with wine shone in war-trappings; looked at treasure, at silver, at precious stones, at wealth, at prosperity, at jewelry, at this bright castle of a broad kingdom.
The Exeter Book - 8th century

The Tower is rarely welcomed in a reading but with luck you can turn the breakdown into a breakthrough. My daughter Shay did the artwork after watching my struggle trying to actualize the idea I had for house of cards with a limited supply of skill and valium.

Artist Bio: Tarot fiend, mother of two, witch. I run the Second Sunday Tarot group in the Chicagoland area- 4 years strong and no arrests! This is the third year I have participated in the TCF Collaborative Deck and thrilled to be included in the project...Nicole Diamond

Last edited on Fri Jul 8th, 2011 02:36 am by nicole

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 Posted: Wed Jul 6th, 2011 02:24 am
23rd Post

Joined: Sun Dec 30th, 2007
Location: Williams Bay, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 113
The Fool
The Tarot Collector's Fool begins a new journey to acquire more treasures. With her trusty tarot bag, and the Sacred Rose in hand, she sets off guided by a Pixie's wisdom and  a love of the form.

The Four of Wands
A young flower girl blows bubbles of optimism, and revels in the beauty of the perfect moment.

The Knight of Cups
The Romantic Seeker of Truth  and Beauty rides through the emotional waves in his search for greatness within himself.

The cards are illustrated with a mix of mediums including watercolor, Sharpie markers, Prismacolor pencils, and acrylic

Robyn Tisch Hollister (Chronata) is an award winning, controversial,and  internationally known illustrator, tarot enthusiast and nut-job. She has six published decks and four oracle systems to her name. She has lost count of how many individual cards she has created.

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 Posted: Thu Aug 11th, 2011 09:44 am
24th Post

Joined: Mon Apr 7th, 2008
Location: California USA
Posts: 499
The Devil: It's in the details.

Image elements stamped with rubber stamps, then scanned, composited, and colored in Photoshop.

Bio: Marco Alpert lives at the top of a hill in Northern California with some children and dogs. And memories.

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 Posted: Mon Aug 15th, 2011 12:14 pm
25th Post
Mr. la-luna

Joined: Sat Sep 8th, 2007
Location: Aalst, Belgium
Posts: 525
Bio: Mr. la-luna (aka Stefan Spelkens) is a 36 years young tarot-enthousiast/addict/holic/… (Call or define it any way you like I’m sure it fits me) living in Belgium. The only thing limiting my tarot acquiring is my budget – but I still manage to get some gems regularly.

Chariot: As with all my cards this one is made by mixing photo’s I took with royalty free images. Here I played with the idea of a strong hard base – the stone image of the chariot with its charioteers mixed with the alchemical sun and moon for the dynamic power they represent and also the astrologic symbol of the card namely Cancer (linked to water and the sea – hence also a link, tough not explicitly shown with Poseidon)

Page of Swords: As basis for this page and to emphasize its role as messenger and it’s youthfulness I used an old begin of the 20th century photograph of a young postal boy. Combined with elements from ancient and modern times (the sword wielding angel beneath him as a symbol for his passion and quick to (re)act mentality – and the computer motherboard as a sign of modernity, curiosity and the present & new and coming times.

Page of Pentacles: Once again I used a very old image here (pre WW I if I remember correctly) (it’s an image I’ve also used in a personal deck I’m creating – with some modifications made for our deck here) I wanted to make an image that shows this page as a child of nature ready and willing to harvest it’s fruits.

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 Posted: Fri Aug 19th, 2011 02:13 am
26th Post

Joined: Fri Jan 29th, 2010
Posts: 59
Hello- My name is 'hoo', and I am a pathological procrastinator. While working on this Tarot card project I made the amazing discovery that this otherwise unfortunate personality defect plays a central role in my creativity. I learned that I create by some sort of an alchemical process. My commitment to the deadline provided the container, the 'aludel', the 'pix', or the 'bomb'. My procrastination created the heat and pressure as the deadline came nearer. When I finally did begin the work I had only the cold dark substrate of my imaginary talent. So I decided to try mixing in one half of the ingredients from the famous traditional recipe for a lucky wedding: "something old", and "something borrowed". Eventually, under the influence of the forces described above, the whole mess sublimated into an ether of pure ineluctablity. Then, waiting till the very last moment, just before there was an explosion, in a final act of desperation, I found myself grabbing at these free floating bits and pieces of ephemeral sublimate and holding onto them until, with the pressure now subsiding, they cooled, collected, congealed and hardened into the images you see in the cards.
No real thought or planning went into them. I waited to start on the project so long I didn't have the time to think or plan. Miraculously, they seem to possess a certain magical appearance which is far far beyond my natural ability. A pure accident caused by desperation under intense pressure.

The 7 of Wands exhibits this process and result. Seemingly random elements have come together to create a scene of startling appearance and possible mystical significance. It appears to be a lamp post from the corner of Market and Stockton Streets the day after the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, a tree in the wind, and 2 illuminated bushes in Golden Gate Park. Or could the lamp post really be a magical scepter and orb, with Daphne (the famous original "tomgirl" of ancient Greece), and two Ovidian Dryads gathered around it for either a "pow-wow", a battle or perhaps even a dance, in that same park ?
- Waite says of the classic 7 of wands card that it signifies "A card of valour... six are attacking one, who has..the vantage position. On the intellectual plane...Discussion... Negotiations... Competition... Success. Reversed: Perplexity, Embarrassments, Anxiety." This may be why the tree Daphne looks so tempestuous, but the 2 bushes seem to kneel in surrender or supplication. 6 wooden arms raised before a single iron rod. I don't know for sure, because I did not really design this card. Like anyone else, I can only wonder what the heck it signifies. I think it means that battle is really just a dance. After all, you can never actually win an argument with a lamp post, or a tree. (Thus the "embarrassment".)

The King of Swords shows a king slashing with a sword, and a dragon comfortably perched upon it. This card joins the Knight of Swords (designed by Philebus) in having a political message. But where the Knights political message is clear ("Live By the Sword, Die by the Sword"), I have to confess that, because of the mysterious alchemical process fueled by my procrastination, which created this image, I cannot really say just what my politics are !

The 7 of Swords - A woman tied to the hypnotic 'wheel of death' and 7 thrown swords which she has just barely escaped / or, reversed, which appear to have drawn blood.
- Waite says "Design, attempt, wish, hope, confidence; also quarreling, a plan that may fail…"
So here too the ineluctable alchemy beyond my conscious control which has created this image has produced an uncannily appropriate confluence of seemingly disparate images.
Somewhat tellingly, perhaps, the woman is Diana the Huntress. She wears her signature Lunar Tiara, and the Leopard Spotted Panties of a Goddess.

Wheew - made it...Thanx for putting up with me people (and cats).

Last edited on Fri Aug 19th, 2011 08:49 am by hoo

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 Posted: Mon Sep 12th, 2011 05:34 pm
27th Post

Joined: Tue Nov 18th, 2008
Location: California USA
Posts: 394
9 of Wands: The ancient Abbots Bromley Horn Dance in the background throbs to the beat of this little fellow's toothache, a supposedly funny image from an antique postcard.  He's on his feet but is the music making it worse or the only thing holding him up?

Hierophant: The man within the animal skins is a true Medicine Man ca. 1900 who shows us the spirit within all of us.

King of Wands: Mastery of fire is the King of Wands and yet his firm grip on his shotgun has not prevented an accident, showing that the control of energy requires more than just a "hands on" approach.  From another lovely antique postcard.  Happy Squirrels, duck!

Marcia McCord (Marcia959) reads, writes, teaches and self-publishes Tarot from Vallejo, California and is pretty certain she has had a King of Wands year this year! Marcia grew up in her mother's antique shop and is still in recovery.

Last edited on Mon Sep 12th, 2011 08:01 pm by Marcia959

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