View single post by Kimber
 Posted: Sat Jun 25th, 2011 02:17 pm
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Joined: Fri Sep 21st, 2007
Posts: 424
12 Hanged Man

Enlightenment. The outer personality turned upside down by a very real and personal experience.  Spiritual awakening; a reversal of attitude.  Peace and understanding gained through inner awareness . Surrender and release through conscious choice.  A solitary journey of reconnection with life.

5 of Swords

The 5 of Swords speaks to self interest  and open dishonor.  The consequences of the loss of a moral compass; losing sight of what’s right.  Treachery and a lack of integrity.  

The background of this card is the text of the Indian Removal Act, which resulted in the modern genocide known as the Trail of Tears.  In one of America’s most blatant travesties, the boundaries of the sovereign Indian nations were dissolved so that the US Government could expropriate the land.   Many of the relocated Native Americans died of exposure and starvation during this enforced removal, which opened up millions of acres of land for white settlement. 

7 of Cups

The 7 of Cups is more about delusion than illusion. It implies a lack of focus when faced with various choices – is the ultimate prize behind Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3?  In the iconic story by W.W. Jacobs, the monkey’s paw is a talisman which grants three wishes, but at the cost of devastating personal consequences.  We are broken.  We grasp onto that which we think will fix us, but what we think we see isn’t real.  Time to remove the rose colored glasses and take responsibility for the decisions we make.


Kimberly Gibbs Fordham was ten years old when she received her first tarot deck (the Hoi Polloi) as a gift.  Over the past forty years she has created three tarot decks, conceptualized a fourth, and written numerous reviews.  She is originally from Connecticut and currently resides in central  Florida.

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