View single post by philebus
 Posted: Wed Jun 29th, 2011 07:40 pm
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Joined: Mon Oct 22nd, 2007
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 46
Page of Cups: Cups are usually associated with pleasure and the page with youth, so I thought I would suggest that some beauty is skin deep.

Five of Coins: I wanted to try something akin to a transformation card for my pip and saw daisies in garden that I pass walking to work. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Knight of Swords: Well, unlike a King, Queen, or Page, this is the guy who actually does the fighting and as they say, those who live by the sword, die by it.

Technique: I'm just not an artist and can't draw for toffee without a set square. So, these were composed in Poser - a 3D figure posing program - and then post-worked in PSP and Postworkshop Pro

Bio: Just a man who likes a nice cup of tea and a game of cards.

Last edited on Wed Jun 29th, 2011 07:41 pm by philebus

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