View single post by Ambriel
 Posted: Wed Jun 15th, 2011 08:02 pm
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Joined: Fri Oct 12th, 2007
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia USA
Posts: 137
The Knight of Wands is me.  I walked around for months trying to decide who is my Knight of Wands.  All the while, I was justifying why I was not the Knight of Wands because I felt like a grown woman should hide any sense of inmaturity or insecurity. Isn't that the right way for a 21st century woman to think?...I have too much responsibility and I can't show any weakness.  Finally, I realized I have to accept my own spiritual inmaturity despite my age, education and extensive travels.  Maturity doesn't come with age; it comes with acceptance of responsibility. 

The King of Pentacles. Materialism is a plague which has spread through this era of capitalism we call the 21st Century.  Want - Need - Desire - Like - Love - GOTTA HAVE IT.  It appears to have have turned into a vicious cycle.  If we spend money on frivolous, needful things, we are wrong and labelled as materialistic and wasteful.  If we don't spend money on frivolous, needful things, we are wrong because somewhere down the line a waitress or factory worker who depends on the consumer to live will suffer.  For some reason, whenever I look at the King of Pentacles, I see a materialistic person who should and does know better but has no chance in hell of winning against the World.  

Technique: Powerpoint.

Bio: Ambriel is a long time student of the tarot and enjoys piddling around in anything eclectic.  Ambriel lives in Atlanta with her two children, mother and Bucky the Black Cat.



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