View single post by NAMASTEINDIA
 Posted: Fri Feb 18th, 2011 11:31 am
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Joined: Thu Aug 20th, 2009
Location: India
Posts: 63
The 6 of Swords - In this card there is a typical Indian woman moving on a boat towards her village. There are 5 swords lying on her boat and 1 sword is held in her hand. She is also holding onto a wooden boat in her right hand. Unlike a depressed woman in other 6 of sword cards here this woman looks happy and content travelling in her boat surrounded by nature, lotus flowers, birds like peacock and ducks.

The 6 of Cups - This card is depicted with a Palace and there is a Maharaja with his two children who are offering their cups to Lord Krishna who is seated on a lotus flower. Lord Krishna is also holding onto two cups and the 6th cup is the Lotus flower the ultimate cup of happiness.

The 6 of wands - There is no actual depiction of 6 wands here but yes sign of victory the horseman is denoting after attacking a roaring tiger with a wooden wand is signifying stupendous courage and challenge. Definitely a sign of sucess and heroism.

The 6 of  pentacles - A money lender is busy counting his coins in middle of a forest. He is just so preoccupied with his weighing scales and money Just like Buddha would be lost in meditation, here the money lender is lost in his materialistic pursuits.

Technique: All the cards are oil painting done on canvas sheets. The canvas sheets are A4 size.

Bio: My own hand painted tarot deck is of 22 major cards titled 'Desi Tarot'. I enjoy doing oil paintings, reading tarot, oracles, participating in tarot related discussions.

Last edited on Wed Apr 6th, 2011 05:34 am by NAMASTEINDIA

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