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Morgan's Tarot
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 Posted: Fri Mar 28th, 2008 06:11 am
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Location: Williams Bay, Wisconsin USA
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Twice now I have come very close to getting my grubby little paws on the earlier edition of this deck (different color ink, and different "Perfect Circle" card), and now I have discovered that what I thought was the first edition...isn't.

There is an even earlier edition in black ink that was the original self published one. At least that's what I suspect. I suppose what I saw could be a pirate copy...but it really felt old and original to me.

Does anyone here know the publishing origins of the Morgans?

I love this trippy sparkling little treasure so much, and when I manage to get extra copies  of it (the US Games editions) there are always a list of eager friends to gift it to.

I keep hearing rumors that someday it will be reprinted.
I always hope so...because the copies I do see for sale have become increasingly more expensive.
And it's really one of the rare few decks I would love a back up copy of.

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 Posted: Mon Jun 9th, 2008 07:12 pm
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Wow, I have not thought of Morgan's Tarot in a long long time...since I worked in a new age bookstore in the early 90's and could have bought one for myself! I wish I had a copy in my collection now. :(

I think I actually heard you mention it in an interview on the Tarot Connection when I was listening to the archived episodes I had missed. After that, I searched for the deck and found this site where you can see the cards:


...so at least I can look at the images online.

Sorry I could not find any more publishing information. On the above site, there are two U.S. Games copyright dates: 1970 and 1983. Would that mean that U.S. Games bought the rights to the original self-published one from the 1970's and published the deck in 1983? The Aeclectic.net site shows a 1984 U.S. Games date.

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 Posted: Mon Jun 9th, 2008 10:35 pm
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I have one published by Morgan's Tarot Publishing Co. Just to add to the muddle.....

I have info from somewhere (I forget where, but I've put it in my database) that it first came out in 1970....

Last edited on Fri Dec 30th, 2016 12:25 pm by gregory

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 Posted: Wed Jun 11th, 2008 04:17 am
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My deck says US Games 1983 under license of Morgan's publishing 1970...

Maybe the confusion is due to the dope smoking 70's.

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 Posted: Wed Jun 11th, 2008 06:00 am
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I appreciate any info on this trippy treasure!

Sorry to be confusing...but the copy I have is 1983 as well.

The colored ink I was referring to was on the back of the cards...of course.
Mine have the pinky purpley backs that most of them do.

The earlier deck printing that I saw was in a darker more purple color, and the card called "This may not be a Perfect Circle...but it's a perfect whatever it is"
was actually spelled "Berfet Ciercle" which gives the card a slightly different meaning.

I also saw a printing on E-bay, that appeared to have a handmade looking box, and a different lwb, and also appeared to have black ink on the backs instead of colored.

I always wondered ...had I actually passed up a genuine original printing? Or maybe not!

I think I did mention this deck on the podcast...because it has influenced my fasicious little oracle deck that I am still working on! (but without the spiritual and druggie slant)

Last edited on Mon Aug 17th, 2009 10:51 pm by Chronata

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 Posted: Wed Jun 11th, 2008 12:25 pm
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OK. Mine is printed and published in 1970, by Morgan Robbins. My 1983 was a mistake of mine, and thanks - I have now corrected my database.... see below !
Not a hint of USG anywhere on it. The box is orange, and crappy, so I suspect it is handmade. The print on it is in purple - so maybe as one side of the box features the back design and the other a card (Who am I) that is where the idea of purple ink came from ?

Bought from Magickal Childe (I MISS THEM !!) for....

$8.... (sorry people !) in about 1983, as I recall....

Back design is in positively fluorescent orange - very trippy; I now feel a bit sick from looking..... Faces  are black.

It came with a folded sheet of instructions and offering more decks etc for $7.50 via Morgan's Tarot Publishing in North San Juan, and the guy who sold it to me threw in a USG LWB (1983) - I know it didn't come with the deck originally, as it won't fit in the box ! Perfect Circle card attached below, but there is another card with nothing on it BUT a cirle.....

Can I give you anything else to help ???

Attached Image (viewed 493 times):

perfect circle.jpg

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 Posted: Wed Jun 11th, 2008 12:31 pm
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OK - just to add one thing.... there is a genuine card with a deliberate mistake: There are no misteaks.

I suspect the misspelt perfect circle may be in a knock off deck.... A lot of Japanese knockoffs have spectaacular spelling errors; I have a beaut with a Queeb of Wands.....

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 Posted: Thu Jun 12th, 2008 07:03 am
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6 Haunted Days

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I got a pristine copy of this decks months ago for $35, some of those images! Very very "man oh man". I've never read with it!

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 Posted: Wed Jun 18th, 2008 02:29 am
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Thank you so much for the info Gregory!

Yeah...the Berfect ciiercle card I saw on the purpley deck was interesting...the woman who has that one claims she bought the deck directly from the artist himself, back in the 70's.

The one you have...with the handmade box and no USG imprints or lwb...is the one I saw on e-bay and passed up!

Thanks! This helps tremendously!!!

And 6...You should try a reading or two with it! The answers are surprising! (the lwb is pretty surprising too...most of the info is either esoteric or pointless!)

I love this deck. It's really one of my very favorite reading oracles!

I bought mine in 1985. At the time, I didn't really get much of what the cards were about.

Now, however...with 20 plus years of life experience...I understand this deck better than ever!

Last edited on Mon Aug 17th, 2009 10:52 pm by Chronata

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 Posted: Wed Jun 18th, 2008 12:15 pm
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Chronata wrote:
The one you have...with the handmade box and no USG imprints or lwb...is the one I saw on e-bay and passed up!

Well, not in the sense that my copy is actually that one ! I bought it years ago - or I would feel guilty about depriving you !!!!!

The LWB is priceless. :gi

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 Posted: Mon Jun 23rd, 2008 03:59 am
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6 Haunted Days

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nicole wrote: My deck says US Games 1983 under license of Morgan's publishing 1970...

Maybe the confusion is due to the dope smoking 70's.

Actually I was just reading in Giles "The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore" that it first came out it 1970 as well!

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 Posted: Mon Jun 23rd, 2008 10:43 am
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That's because it did :D

Mine was definitely USED when I got it - and that was in the year USG first started putting them out.

Last edited on Mon Jun 23rd, 2008 10:44 am by gregory

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 Posted: Tue Jun 24th, 2008 06:16 am
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Mine is in a pink box, with purple ink,  It says Morgan's Tarot no US Games or anything else anywhere.  

The front ink  is black, the back ink design is in purple.  

 I believe I bought it from the original owner - she was very cool. :cool:

I hope it is reprinted someday too - it's just such a fun deck. 

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 Posted: Tue Jun 24th, 2008 10:54 am
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Your pink box could be a faded one of my orange box. Mine is kept in a dark place so doesn't fade !!! (I try to be good on deck preservation !!)

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 Posted: Thu Dec 25th, 2008 09:07 pm
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I have two versions of Morgan's Tarot. One is in the purple box published by US Games, copyright 1983. It is the standard card stock and card size.

The second one is in a bag, no box, and when I placed the two versions together, they are the same size, and the stock it is printed on is not hard and glossy, more of a thick white paper feel. I like the texture of it. The illustrations are identical. These are copyright 1970 by Morgan's Tarot.

Last edited on Tue Feb 3rd, 2009 06:53 pm by Pandan

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 Posted: Fri Aug 14th, 2009 06:58 pm
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I have one of these that I'd like to sell. I have no idea what it might be worth. Eventually I'll put it on E-bay.

I think this is the original deck- it's in a cardboard card box printed with green ink. On the long thin sides it says

P.O. Box 3391, Tucson Ariz 85722

on the short thin sides it says
Morgan's Tarot
copyright 1970 by Morgan Robbins

On one of the large sides of the box it's got a picture of the "Who Am I" card which shows a girl with her back to a mirror holding a hand mirror so you can't see her face

On the other large side it's got the intersecting triangles design which is also on the back of every card, surround by "LOVE is GOD"

Comes with a folded instruction sheet which begins:


Attached Image (viewed 358 times):


Last edited on Fri Aug 14th, 2009 11:52 pm by Cordwainer

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 Posted: Fri Aug 14th, 2009 08:36 pm
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oooh A green box! THAT is intriguing, Cordwainer!
I am curious...what does the "Perfect Circle" card say?

As for price...E-bay might be the way to go!
 I have never seen this version selling there, but all versions (whether earlier, or US Games editions) seem to sell between $40 and $80 with $50 being about average for a US games...and the other editions going for slightly higher.

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 Posted: Fri Aug 14th, 2009 11:52 pm
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The Dude that gave me this deck got them from Morgan Robbins himself... he'd made some sort of deal with Morgan to distribute them.

Interesting- this IS is different Perfect Circle card! It's less Perfect! It pretty obvious which one is the original... :hp Now that I know this, I might just keep it. Unless someone gives me a price that I just CAN'T refuse! (That would be anything over $50)

Attached Image (viewed 361 times):


Last edited on Fri Sep 25th, 2009 05:19 am by Cordwainer

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 Posted: Mon Aug 17th, 2009 10:49 pm
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WOW! THANKS Cordwainer!

Now I KNOW that I am not crazy!(well...at least not about this deck!)

That is one fabulous treasure! Must be an original. I like the green too!:ro
The one copy I saw had the black ink box, but the same "berfet ceircle" card...which really does change the meaning of the card in many ways.

Color me jealous! :D If I had a boatload of cash I would offer it to you right now!

Last edited on Mon Aug 17th, 2009 10:49 pm by Chronata

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 Posted: Mon Aug 31st, 2009 06:04 pm
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Cordwainer was kind enough to sell me this deck for the little money I could scrape.

It's absolutely wonderful.
The copyright on it is indeed 1970.

The little instruction sheet claims it to be the fourth printing! Interesting indeed is that it has no" Pigs and Fishes Surround You" card (one of my favorites) but instead, a card in a vastly different style...
"Remember our always changing but still organic game of: Earth is a Mother~ all year"
It really makes this deck extra special.

Also, the cardstock is so soft and imperfect. I love it! The printing is also obviously imperfect, and you can really tell that this one was self published.

I am so happy to have this deck, I actually cried when I took them out of the box...

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 Posted: Mon Aug 31st, 2009 08:36 pm
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Hi Chronata-

I'm really glad you like the deck! I'm glad you got it! You're the perfect person to have it, it seems like.

I appreciate your positive feedback for me as well. It comes at the good time, as I'm dealing with some not so very nice people on another forum that has nothing, or not much at least, to do with Tarot.

If I ever need a Tarot reading, maybe you'll do one for me? :ok

Chronata wrote: Cordwainer was kind enough to sell me this deck for the little money I could scrape.

It's absolutely wonderful.
The copyright on it is indeed 1970.

The little instruction sheet claims it to be the fourth printing! Interesting indeed is that it has no" Pigs and Fishes Surround You" card (one of my favorites) but instead, a card in a vastly different style...
"Remember our always changing but still organic game of: Earth is a Mother~ all year"
It really makes this deck extra special.

Also, the cardstock is so soft and imperfect. I love it! The printing is also obviously imperfect, and you can really tell that this one was self published.

I am so happy to have this deck, I actually cried when I took them out of the box...

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 Posted: Thu Sep 3rd, 2009 06:38 am
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Chronata, Is there any way that you could post an image of this unique card? That would be awesome!

Last edited on Thu Sep 3rd, 2009 06:44 am by Marka

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 Posted: Tue Sep 8th, 2009 06:53 pm
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No problem Marka!

I had intended to anyway, but I had no electricity for a few weeks...

Here's the card "Earth Is A Mother"

Another fun thing I discovered...the card that is titled "There are no Misteaks" is the only card where the back design is upside down!

Attached Image (viewed 249 times):

morgan's card.jpg

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 Posted: Fri Sep 25th, 2009 05:04 am
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The story continues... the thread that refuses to die...

Pandan PM'd me to see if I had any more of these decks to sell. So I decided to try and contact The Dude who gave me the deck. I managed to find him! As I suspected, The Dude did get them from Morgan himself, and has a letter from Morgan to prove it.

The Dude saw the US Games reprint for sale online for $219 here:

:c The Dude figures the originals are worth more than that- but is being nice and will sell them for $200. :qq
If I had know about all this, I wouldn't have sold mine for a measly $65! :f:mHowever I'm happy that Chronata got a deck that she really wanted! :hp

Last edited on Tue Sep 29th, 2009 03:32 pm by Cordwainer

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 Posted: Fri Sep 25th, 2009 05:49 am
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It sold on e-bay a couple of days ago for $67.

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 Posted: Fri Sep 25th, 2009 06:16 am
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Do you have the item #? Was that the original or the reprint?
I would need the item # to show The Dude.

debra wrote: It sold on e-bay a couple of days ago for $67.

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 Posted: Tue Sep 29th, 2009 03:29 pm
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I just got one of the 1970's version, still with the "sen$3 to Morgan....for a copy" note on it. Got it for not much on Ebay. there was another one on ebay -state sale- missing 3 cards. I wanted to get it as a back up, but missed the bidding.
a beautiful deck and don't even want to touch it, but it is tempting! LOL:hp

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 Posted: Tue Sep 29th, 2009 03:37 pm
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If you see the originals for sale on Ebay at a lower price, please get the item # (everything for sale on Ebay has an item #). With the item # you can pull it up even if the sale has ended. With these item #'s I possibly maybe could convince The Dude to sell them for less. Without the item #, The Dude is just going to say, "Oh yeah sure right!" :qq

cocoloco wrote: I just got one of the 1970's version, still with the "sen$3 to Morgan....for a copy" note on it. Got it for not much on Ebay. there was another one on ebay -state sale- missing 3 cards. I wanted to get it as a back up, but missed the bidding.
a beautiful deck and don't even want to touch it, but it is tempting! LOL:hp

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 Posted: Tue Sep 29th, 2009 11:47 pm
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The story continues to unfold as we speak- I just got an email from The Dude that someone (not me and no one I know) is interested in buying all the remaining decks!

I know that there were at least ten left...


I am trying to contact The Dude to see what is going on. They may all be gone. I will keep the forum posted!

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 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 03:10 am
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Is this Dude named Lebowski?

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 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 03:59 am
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No, he's not, and he just got back to me saying that they haven't been sold.

I used to be his chauffeur, and I'd drive him around to auctions where he'd buy (with cash) what I thought was a lot of worthless crap. This crap was then taken back to his house or a warehouse where it was piled up. One day among the piles of crap I opened a box and it was full of what looked to be some sort of weird Tarot decks. I was interested in Tarot and so I asked about them and The Dude gave me one.  It was I now know to be the Morgan deck.  I use a more traditional Egyptian deck and so it basically just sat around until I sold it to Chronata. I'd Google'd it and this thread was the most information I could find about it anywhere. 

One interesting The Dude story- somewhere he'd bought thousands of lottery machines.  He had an entire warehouse full of them, where they were stacked from floor to ceiling. He was originally planning to sell them to some African nation (I forget which one) that wanted to start a national lottery, but the deal fell through. They sat in the warehouse for months or years. Eventually he found out that inside each lottery machine was a special part or something that was worth money if he could get it out. For months after that he hired day laborers to take the thousands of machines apart and remove the special part.

At first I thought The Dude was crazy, and that all the crap was worthless. But he  has this ability to buy tons of cheap stuff at bargain prices and then sit on it for months or years until it's worth large amounts of money. These Morgan decks are just one example of many.   

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 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 08:04 am
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I watched this one for a bit but didn't bid on it. It doesn't really do anything for me and I'm not into buying and selling on, although maybe I should be...:cool:




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 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 04:26 pm
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Judging from the purple ink, this looks like it's probably a reprint. The only way to know for sure, as far as I know, is to check the "perfect circle" card- that's what's so interesting about this thread, that Chronata pinpointed that crucial difference. That's why buying something like this on Ebay is iffy too- although it says on the Ebay listing that it's 1970, I doubt it is. Not only that, it has three cards missing, which makes it essentially worthless. No point in forwarding it to The Dude.

As a professional buyer of such things, it's a big deal to The Dude that he bought his box of Morgans from Morgan himself, and has a letter from Morgan to prove it. This is called "provenance".

Last edited on Wed Sep 30th, 2009 04:48 pm by Cordwainer

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 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 05:58 pm
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Cordwainer wrote: 110434162845

Judging from the purple ink, this looks like it's probably a reprint. The only way to know for sure, as far as I know, is to check the "perfect circle" card- that's what's so interesting about this thread, that Chronata pinpointed that crucial difference. That's why buying something like this on Ebay is iffy too- although it says on the Ebay listing that it's 1970, I doubt it is. Not only that, it has three cards missing, which makes it essentially worthless. No point in forwarding it to The Dude.

As a professional buyer of such things, it's a big deal to The Dude that he bought his box of Morgans from Morgan himself, and has a letter from Morgan to prove it. This is called "provenance".

Just a small question: why do you type 'The Dude' in bold and underlined? I have the feeling that perhaps you are he and this is some sort of marketing strategy. And I think all of us here know what provenance means...


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 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 07:30 pm
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wonder what my sealed 1983 edition would be worth..

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 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 09:17 pm
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nicole wrote: wonder what my sealed 1983 edition would be worth..
between $40 and $80

It's VERY rare to see an earlier printing of this one come up anywhere.

I had no idea how old the one Cordwainer sold me was...because I had never seen a green one (it's a fourth printing according to the insert!)

And I do feel really bad Cordwainer...

If I had any more money, I would definitely send you some extra.
But I had to forgo food for two weeks in order to buy that one.

Maybe I can send you copies of my decks? They tend to go up in price!

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 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 09:51 pm
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No, I'm not The Dude. I underline and put it in bold because I couldn't think of anything else to call him, and just plain ol' "dude" doesn't capture the essence of The Dude. It's not by mistake that The Dude has an entire crate of this rare deck, complete with a letter from Morgan himself- The Dude was, or rather is, an unsung original 60's magician/philosopher. I've never met anyone else like him.  I have a few more The Dude stories, but they will remain unposted! :x

And Chronata, it's OK with me that you got the deck, I had little use for it! You deserve it, as you figured out the difference between the original deck and the reprints... That said, I'd be happy to have some of your decks! I prefer traditional decks with the regular arcana and number of cards to these sorts of unique Morgan style decks anyway. :hp

Far from this being any marketing ploy on my part, The Dude is looking to get rid of the entire crate of decks all at once. Selling them one by one isn't worth his time at all and is barely worth mine. He'll reluctantly sell me a few decks because I'm a friend of his. Once he finds a buyer for the entire crate, they will probably disappear from the market completely.   

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 Posted: Mon Oct 19th, 2009 09:37 am
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6 Haunted Days

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So all I can get is between $40-$80? That sucks. I've always seen them on Ebay and elsewhere for at least a $100.

I have one in very good condition and I really don't like it much. Maybe I will sell it soon.

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 Posted: Mon Oct 19th, 2009 12:24 pm
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Depends on whether its an original or the reprint. Check the "Perfect Circle" card and compare it to the notes in this thread. If it's an original then it's worth more.

6 Haunted Days wrote: So all I can get is between $40-$80? That sucks. I've always seen them on Ebay and elsewhere for at least a $100.

I have one in very good condition and I really don't like it much. Maybe I will sell it soon.

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 Posted: Mon Oct 19th, 2009 01:26 pm
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Yes -as I said in the other thread about this; $40 would be my bet. Why does that suck ? - you'd be making 100% profit on what you paid, after all....

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 Posted: Fri Jan 15th, 2010 07:37 pm
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US Games just went ahead and re-released the Morgan's.

O' Frabjuous day! I am over the Moon about the news!

Set for a release date of Feb 4 th 2010


Apparently it will be a limited edition. Maybe I should stock up this time.:gi


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 Posted: Fri Jan 15th, 2010 10:43 pm
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Chronata wrote: US Games just went ahead and re-released the Morgan's.

O' Frabjuous day! I am over the Moon about the news!

Set for a release date of Feb 4 th 2010


Apparently it will be a limited edition. Maybe I should stock up this time.:gi


US Games, limited edition?  are you sure?  they usually make mega thousands of copies.

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 Posted: Sat Jan 16th, 2010 02:51 am
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I have a salmon box with Boulder Creek, CA 95006 on the side and Big Trees Press, Felton, California on the end flap. It's a hot pink-backed deck with the "perfet ceircle" card. The LW Sheet says "For further decks send $3.50 plus 5% sales tax in Calif. to Morgan's Tarot, Boulder Creek, Calif. 95006." The card stock is thinner than the following . . .

I also have a purple box deck (no location/printer on box). The card back is purple and it has the "perfet ceircle" card.
The info sheet has added on the bottom front:
Illustrated by Gordan Chorpash
Special Acknowledgement to Jack Vickland,
Don(Josh) Butler and Sarah Eichorn'

The bottom back says "For Further Decks send $4.95 plus.50 handling and postage to: SUNSTAR, 1 Palomar Arcade - Box 171, Santa Cruz, CA 95060."

I want the "Earth as a Mother" card!!!


Last edited on Sat Jan 16th, 2010 02:52 am by teheuti

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 Posted: Sun Feb 21st, 2010 10:08 pm
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skad1 wrote:
Chronata wrote: US Games just went ahead and re-released the Morgan's.

O' Frabjuous day! I am over the Moon about the news!

Set for a release date of Feb 4 th 2010


Apparently it will be a limited edition. Maybe I should stock up this time.:gi


US Games, limited edition?  are you sure?  they usually make mega thousands of copies.

Really? Can someone confirm if this is the case? It is only available on the US Games web site; I've done extensive searches on the ISBN to no avail. If this is the case, then I'll buy it from US Games...

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 Posted: Sun Feb 21st, 2010 10:17 pm
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I think I shall email and ask.... If it IS limited - even though I have an original.....

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 Posted: Sun Feb 21st, 2010 10:19 pm
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^ Thanks!

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 Posted: Thu Dec 29th, 2016 11:29 pm
47th Post
Hiram Abiff

Joined: Thu Dec 29th, 2016
Location: Oregon USA
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Hello everyone, I'm sorry for reviving an almost 7+ year old thread, but I have a question about this deck which I thought would be best answered here.

I have an original deck which has green backings and a copyright that says "1970 By Morgan Robbins"; sadly, it doesn't have a box though.

My question is, How many cards were included with the original 1970 deck, and were cards later added or removed with later decks? My deck does include the "Earth is Mother" card.

Sadly, if the original deck included 88 cards, then I think I'm likely missing 9 or so cards as I only have 79 total:sd. If someone could get back to me on this, I'd appreciate it.

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Last edited on Fri Dec 30th, 2016 12:55 am by Hiram Abiff

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 Posted: Fri Dec 30th, 2016 12:21 pm
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Joined: Wed Sep 12th, 2007
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HM. I do have 88 cards. In an orange box. My backs are fluorescent orange. Weirdly (I bought this used for $8 from Magickal Childe - ah, the good old days...) it says Morgan Press on the box; it has their handout inside (single sheet with details of how to buy more decks from MORGAN'S) and cards and leaflet are both c.1970 - but it ALSO has the USG 1983 LWB in there. I'm guessing the original owner added the booklet, as it doesn't REALLY fit in the box at all ! But I'm sure the cards are Morgan, as the edges are all "bobbly" where they've been popped out of their sheets - I have NEVER seen a USG deck like that !

But I DON'T have the Earth is Mother card.

Last edited on Fri Dec 30th, 2016 12:33 pm by gregory

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