View single post by Chronata
 Posted: Mon Aug 31st, 2009 06:04 pm
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Joined: Sun Dec 30th, 2007
Location: Williams Bay, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 113
Cordwainer was kind enough to sell me this deck for the little money I could scrape.

It's absolutely wonderful.
The copyright on it is indeed 1970.

The little instruction sheet claims it to be the fourth printing! Interesting indeed is that it has no" Pigs and Fishes Surround You" card (one of my favorites) but instead, a card in a vastly different style...
"Remember our always changing but still organic game of: Earth is a Mother~ all year"
It really makes this deck extra special.

Also, the cardstock is so soft and imperfect. I love it! The printing is also obviously imperfect, and you can really tell that this one was self published.

I am so happy to have this deck, I actually cried when I took them out of the box...

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