View single post by Chronata
 Posted: Fri Mar 28th, 2008 06:11 am
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Joined: Sun Dec 30th, 2007
Location: Williams Bay, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 113
Twice now I have come very close to getting my grubby little paws on the earlier edition of this deck (different color ink, and different "Perfect Circle" card), and now I have discovered that what I thought was the first edition...isn't.

There is an even earlier edition in black ink that was the original self published one. At least that's what I suspect. I suppose what I saw could be a pirate copy...but it really felt old and original to me.

Does anyone here know the publishing origins of the Morgans?

I love this trippy sparkling little treasure so much, and when I manage to get extra copies  of it (the US Games editions) there are always a list of eager friends to gift it to.

I keep hearing rumors that someday it will be reprinted.
I always hope so...because the copies I do see for sale have become increasingly more expensive.
And it's really one of the rare few decks I would love a back up copy of.

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