View single post by goldenweb
 Posted: Wed Sep 30th, 2009 05:58 pm
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Joined: Sat Nov 17th, 2007
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Posts: 985
Cordwainer wrote: 110434162845

Judging from the purple ink, this looks like it's probably a reprint. The only way to know for sure, as far as I know, is to check the "perfect circle" card- that's what's so interesting about this thread, that Chronata pinpointed that crucial difference. That's why buying something like this on Ebay is iffy too- although it says on the Ebay listing that it's 1970, I doubt it is. Not only that, it has three cards missing, which makes it essentially worthless. No point in forwarding it to The Dude.

As a professional buyer of such things, it's a big deal to The Dude that he bought his box of Morgans from Morgan himself, and has a letter from Morgan to prove it. This is called "provenance".

Just a small question: why do you type 'The Dude' in bold and underlined? I have the feeling that perhaps you are he and this is some sort of marketing strategy. And I think all of us here know what provenance means...


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