Alchemy Symbolism Discussion Group A number of people who have taken my Study course on Alchemical Symbolism have expressed the wish that I might create a discussion group on this subject. Non-members will be able to see the postings but only members will be able to post messages or questions. This will be strongly moderated to keep the discussions tightly focussed on alchemical symbolism. I see this group primarily as a way of continuing to explore the perspective I have taken in my Study course on Alchemical Symbolism, allowing me to occasionally post out images and provide a commentary, rather than me spending six months writing up a new structured study course. The group began on the 3rd of January 2016. In the first month there have been 1,983 visitors, 6,129 visits to the site, 16,761 page views and 67 posts. This should grow into a substantial resource on alchemy symbolism seen from an exact and academic standpoint. This forum is now closed I have now converted my postings into a section analysing various examples of alchemical symbolism. There are 33 entries. |