London, Wellcome Institute MS. 1388.
89 pages + 38 folios. 310x195mm. 17th of 18th Centuries [c. 1700]

Das Buch der Geheimnüsz dess aller hochsten Schatzes dieser Welt, nach dem Göttlich Wordt, darinnen clärlich zu finden, wie man das sehr Göttliche Werck dess gebenedeyeten Steins der edlen Tinctur erlangen möge, und dadurch Gesundheit langen Lebens, Weisheit [?]... zu Wege bringen möge... ohne Falsch, fleissig und treülich beschrieben, und mit 30 Figuren nach dem Leben abgemahley, sambt einen Register.
[Note in Latin in different hand on fly-leaf mentions Theatrum Chemicum, I. p. 628, and IV. p. 945. Also 'Vide Castelli Lexicon, Lipsia 1713, p 441.]
[At end there are a series of 24 (not 30 as in the title) full page drawings in watercolour of long necked flasks open at the top (the classic Philosophers Egg). These are each labelled with a letter of the alphabet, in reverse order z,y,x,w,... and some have had their letters amended, and letters p, i and k are out of sequence at the end of the series. The flasks in general contain different coloured layers of material or else are filled to the base of the neck with a uniform crimson colouration. Flasks x and r have a silver, and flask s a gold coloured layer at the bottom. Some are set against a black background.]
[The text refers to them in sequence a-z. The flask are rather crudely drawn and coloured.]
[From Library of Julius Kohn.]