Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1493.
148 folios. Paper. Folio. 17th Century.

[Extracts written by Ashmole.]
1. f1-12v The Looking Glass of Philosophy [translation of Dastin's Speculum Philosophiae, see MS. Ashmole 1507.]
2. f13-48v God's Guift. The first booke; or ye booke of rootes. [Translation of John Dastin's alchemical treatise in four books.]
3. f49-51v [Translation of the 'Visio Johannis Dastine'.]
4. f52-60v The Starr of Complexion of ye perfect maistrie of ye art chimicall, of John Bunbelam of England. Written in anno 1384 [Translation.]
5. f61-62v Geber his Testament.
6. f63 The Instruction of a certaine Spiritt, delivered [to?] Scotus, concerning ye vertues or properties of ye toade, or ye phi[l]ors stone, or ye phoelix bird.
7. f64-66v De lapide philosophico, quas conditiones habet, et per quae signa cognosci possit. [In English.]
8. f67-72v The Practise of Zachary, under an allegoricall speech.
9. f73-75 This booke following is of ye stone animall, the author unknowne.
10. f75-80v The philosophers gold and their silver are drawne of ye foule corrupt body wch they doe call tinctures, red and white.
11. f81-84v A Conference betweene the Maister and the Disciple.
12. f85-87 Of [Mercury] in generall - of crude and quicke [Mercury] - Of ye philo'ers [Mercury].
13. f87v The first parte of Minor's Booke.
f88-90 Here followeth the second parte of Minors Bookes.
14. f91-4 George Ripley's Bosome-booke.
15. f94-5 Accurtacion of ye Greate Worke, wch saveth halfe ye worke and labour in ye worke, revealed by Mr. Geo. Rippley.
16. f95v A white worke, being but a branch of the Great Worke, taken out of Mr George Ripleys Bosome-booke, very excellent and speedy.
17. f96 The prologue of George Ripley, unto his treatise wch is intituled Philorsium of the Alchymists.
f98v-105 Here followeth the Philorsium of George Rippley.
18. f105v-107v George Rippley his worke of Breviation of the philosopher's stone.
19. f109-127v Here beginneth the Booke of the Hand of the Philosophers, made by Maister John Isaac Hollandus, philosopher.
20. f128-132 Here followeth a true treatise of alchimy, entreatinge of urine. Written by Mr John Isaac Hollandus.
21. f132-134 Another treatise, or manner, of alchymy, which is the second manner.
22. f134v-138 Heere beginneth the third worke of the greate elixir, wch is the animall stone made of human dirde.
23. f138v-140 Heere followeth a preparation of urine, to draw the tincture out of many mineralls, like as you may se afore in the Booke of the Hande.
24. f140v-144v The greene vitrioll, called the greene lyon or elixir.
25. f145-148v This was written in the tyme of Lucius the first Christian king, and found in the Abbey of Ramsey, at the dissolucion, and since translated into English.