Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1382.
17th Century.

Second Part.
4. 'G. Ripley's Bosome-Book'.
5. 'Tractatus alchimiae ex antiquo libro manuscripto, Anglice ab Author scripto, et postea in Latinum verso'. 'This book I hear was found in the treasury of Glastonbury Abby at the time of the suppression of the Abbey'.
6. A collection of Alchemical recipes and directions.
7. Seven Chemical Receipts 'Out of an old written book of Gilles'.
8. 'Pisces of the inferior Zodiac, or the of phylosophicall solution' inscribed 'Unto the whole societie and fellowship of Philosophers, by Lucas Rodargius' (13 cal. Jun. 1563).
10. A dialogue 'betwixt Son and Father' being alchemical verses. [Unfinished copy of Ripley's Mistery of Alchemists.]