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 Posted: Wed Jul 29th, 2009 04:06 pm
51st Post

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Location: Singapore
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Prophet of Death XIII

She has wrath kept under tight leashes, this one.

The Prophets are sacred twins; two halves to complete the whole. 

I wish this Prophet was more like her other half but no, she is a dark mother... a crow of ill omen. She emerged like a shadow breaking into a flock of starving ravens.

I heard her speak through the voice of another and she told me a story that was older than the stars. 

I heard her pain as she spoke of old wounds that just never healed. I could not read what was in her eyes but they sent chills down my spine.

When her story finally ended, I asked her to stay a little longer and she politely refused. Without looking back, she said that she would come for me one day.



Attached Image (viewed 342 times):

Prophet of Death1.jpg

Last edited on Wed Jul 29th, 2009 04:21 pm by shadow

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 Posted: Wed Jul 29th, 2009 11:21 pm
52nd Post

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Posts: 45
okay Ash, you know me now....lol.  Here are the thoughts as they tumbled down and outwards.

Two ways of meeting or approaching deck or change:  kicking and screaming or with dignity.  I think you have captured both here, and possibly with another one as well: sad resignation. (Was drawn to one of the faces at the bottom right corner of the card).   Not sure if the faces are of people the woman has known who have all gone before and she is reminscing about them, as she considers her own mortality.  If that is the case the emotion they portray is showing us how she remembers them the most.  Is that how they came across at the time they knew they were to die?  Or does it reflect the sort of life they led anad the type of personality they were?  If the former, she is determined not to do the same.  She will confront it face on and challenge it to do its worst.  If it is the latter, heck what sort of life was that?  Perhaps in that case death is no worse an option.....

she is not carrying the cross to her destiny which to me would show resignation on her part.  No - she is standing there proud and tall as if to send out the challenge for IT to come to HER.  In that case the faces could be trying to scream out to her be aware that what she is doing is not something to be trifled with.  They have been there, done that and got the T-shirt - they know what it is like.  Will that deter her?  Not one bit.

Rather unusually my first focus was on death itself here, which is not something I usually do with this card.  We are taught traditionally it is about accepting profound change, the sort of change we cannot go back on.  Emracing the unknown and new outlook of life.  If I were to use that angle think the lower figures were not up for doing that and have suffered since.  It is as if they have the 'woe is me' attitude which they have refused to break out of.  She is showing us it might be more appropriate to let change come to you than to seek it.  It will find you when the time is right for YOU.... and if you challenge it whilst at the same time embrace it (as she is doing with the cross) the end experience will be more enriching for it.

On a more general note it can show the onset of death or change can be a beautiful thing, so why do we often fail to acknowledge that?  If someone is suffering (as may the case with the people below her) surely it is something we should celebrate?  This made me think.... whenever family or friends have come back from viewing their deceased they often say "they looked beautiful".  I never understood that.  And I perhaps need to look at why I have always refused to go and view someone lying in state like that.  Would I have used those same words?  I really don't know.

I am sure more will come....lol (as always :D) )  but for now those are first thoughts.

Do I need to say I love it  :D







Last edited on Wed Jul 29th, 2009 11:24 pm by shadowdancer

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 Posted: Thu Jul 30th, 2009 01:23 pm
53rd Post

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sacredashes wrote: truelighth...

There is no need to be jealous, dear friend. I love the stark simplicity in your 8 of Swords card for the TCF 2009 deck and quite frankly, I would not be able to achieve that wonderful effect of "less is more" being OCD...

Your work rocks... and I wonder when you'll start on your own deck... :ce

You say you couldn't archieve the effect of "less is more" because of your OCD. I don't feel I could archieve the effects and details you have in your artwork, because of my skill (or lack off). I think I can draw ok, but to have a talent like yours, I really admire that. Which is where the 'bit jealeous' comes in. I wish I could draw like you!:ro In the 8 of Swords I used my lack of ability and practice in just making the image more simple.. seems to work for me:gi. Oh, and someone else has said I should make a deck. But I dunno about that... if you only knew how anxious I was about the results of these 3 cards I made this time :f... not sure if it is a good idea...


But anyway, apart from drawing skill and differences in art, I think both your and my card have a very strong message. But yours truly did give me the chills (in a way that you don't want to look or see the card, because it just hits you.. ya know). Well, that was at first... I am getting used to it now. It just really touches something in me that, I guess, still hurts...:cc 

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 Posted: Thu Jul 30th, 2009 01:24 pm
54th Post

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Posts: 1069
Ah, I hadn't seen the rest of the thread and the new Prophet of Death. Wonderful! Those faces, that hurt and agony.. so recognizable and so potent. Again, great work, Ash! :ok

Last edited on Thu Jul 30th, 2009 01:25 pm by truelighth

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 Posted: Fri Jul 31st, 2009 04:38 am
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Location: Targu-Mures, Romania
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Every time I think this is the best card ever (which happen most of the time when I see your work :-)  you just come out with another one! Your vision and talent are trully amazing!


(PS. I never would've thought that you can LOVE a Death Card!!!!!!  (I do!)

All your work, all your cards are very exciting! :ceThanks for sharing it.


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 Posted: Fri Jul 31st, 2009 04:52 am
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shadowdancer wrote:
Rather unusually my first focus was on death itself here, which is not something I usually do with this card. 

Your comment feels so right, Davina. After reading it I just realized that indeed, I never focus on death itself when I look at a Death Tarot card. Not so with this one. My (also unusual) focus was on death itself too - I guess because how is presented - neither scary, nor creating false illusions - it is shown in a realistic but non-scary way that allows one to look/face it!. Amazing. This is the first time I had such an experience with a Death card, thanks to you, Ash.  And your explanatory poetry is so beautiful!


Last edited on Fri Jul 31st, 2009 04:53 am by rylla

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 Posted: Sat Aug 1st, 2009 02:08 am
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(still me...)

Ash,  your Death card belongs to an Art Museum, not to the Tarot Collector Forum (but please don't leave us! :D)


Last edited on Sat Aug 1st, 2009 02:09 am by rylla

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 Posted: Mon Aug 3rd, 2009 03:57 am
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:bl you guys are so sweet!

Please allow me share a very personal experience.. it is how I tune in to visions in my mind's eye.

I saw this photo taken of a tombstone by a very talented photographer :http://lilianasmidnight.deviantart.com/art/never-ending-yearning-130336028

The image jumped out at me so I wrote to the artist asking written permission, which she graciously gave. I watched and waited for it to anchor while listening to Linkin Park. Music helps me channel the vision, especially when the lyrics relate to the vision. Time stands still for me when that happens... I left the planet.

This is the lyrics from the song New Divide by Linkin Park. In my head, she spoke through his voice. 

I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me
I remembered each flash as time began to blur
Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve

So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide

There was nothing in sight but memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in between where we were standing
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve

So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes across this new divide

In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny
And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve

So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide
Across this new divide, across this new divide

It confuses me when people get riled up when the Death card is associated with physical death; but then... I used to read the orbituary page and not the comic in newspapers when I was a child. I guess we all approach the same notion in very personal ways.

I did a relationship reading for a stranger once; she wanted to find out where the relationship was going and pulled out the Death card. When I asked if the relationship was over, she replied that it was... 2 years ago. Then she mentioned that her ex was already seeing someone and she wanted to know if they could ever get back together.

As gently as I could, I told her that she was still in a relationship with him.. but he was no longer in the relationship with her. It is hard to let go and until she does, she will be in limbo... The Reluctant Hanged One who cannot cut the cord and Death waits patiently at the gates, unable to take her forward.  

Was her ex dead? No.. not physical death but though they were still friends, her "boyfriend" was no longer who she wanted him to be in their relationship. Death I feel comes in many forms; the end of my journey feels like Death though I know I will return to another place when a trigger happens.

The Diary was a journey that come to an end but in that ending; I felt alive because I had learned to deal with many shadows that haunted me endlessly. I found the light at the end of a tunnel that at first seemed to go on forever.

Memories that once brought pain, shame, guilt, resentment, anger, etc... I am able to deal with some (not all) without feeling self-contempt.

I learned that it is easier to forgive others than it is to forgive myself but I think we all deserve forgiveness because in the end, it is pointless to punish ourselves longer than necessary.... I think the notion of Death and God/dess, Life, Love, Justice, Retribution, Redemption, etc. is only as petty as our perspective. 

Physical death comes to everyone so I wonder why people get offended by the mere suggestion that Death IS Death; in whatever form it shows itself in. I wrote somewhere that Death in itself is not personal but what we feel when it appears in our lives are very personal experiences, feelings, associations formed, etc.

If we cannot view something (anything) in totality with objectivity; then it is an opportunity to learn a little bit more about ourselves. It allows us to explore what it represents to us, what makes us react the way we do, what triggerd the reaction and if we have properly dealth with the canker that is festering in our soul.

Being hedonistic creatures by nature (restraint is taught and trained... not in-bred), we naturally feel repulsed by anything that makes un uncomfortable. I believe Freud or Jung (can't remember which) once said that shadows are gold; and if this is true then any experiences, events that allow us to explore our shadows within are golden oppurtunities in disguise. For leisure reading... for the heck of it... check out this page : http://www.shinnyo-en.org/kids/tales_dining.php

Something else I noticed... universal truths appear in different forms at different times. As I discover my own prejudices, my views would no doubt change. As I challenge self-molded illusions, I may blush at what is written here months? years? from now. So take what I have written as ramblings of an ignorant for I am still sorting out my own kinks as I delve deeper into the shadow psyche of a demented mind. :? 

I sincerely feel that I have shared nothing new; but I am glad you enjoyed my work.




Last edited on Mon Aug 3rd, 2009 07:16 am by sacredashes

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 Posted: Mon Aug 3rd, 2009 04:20 am
59th Post

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If that is the song used on the film Transformers, we are listening to it a lot at the moment on our radio... and it is powerful.

Ash, I will not take your ramblings in that way at all.....   My diary entries from when I was a 12 year old,  now THEY are what you call ramblings.  :gi

Love the reference to the shadows of gold and the experiences they can lead to.   Your cards have already made me acknowledge shadow aspects of myself, but recently have made me realise I shouldn't feel guilty about having them.

take care 


PS not enjoyed your work... still enjoying, and long may it continue



Last edited on Mon Aug 3rd, 2009 04:22 am by shadowdancer

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 Posted: Mon Aug 3rd, 2009 08:08 am
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I had sumbitted my work to a yearly art exhibition that is opened to anyone with or without trainning. Today I received a reply...

"Dear Aishah Goh,

Thank you for submitting your works for consideration. Due to the overwhelming response of over 400 works and the high quality of the works submitted to the Singapore Art Exhibition 2009, we regret to inform you that your work(s) have not been selected by the judging committee.

Please contact me at ...... or tel. no. ...... by 31 August 2009 if you would like to collect your submissions .

Best regards,

Stella Lim

Project Manager..."

Ooohhh... she broke my heart! :nDid she mean my work is not of high quality? As in... it is looks like an 8 year old could do better? Was it the composition? Was my shading all wrong? Was it not what they wanted... were they looking for flowers and birds? Were they looking for color? Oil? Traditional fine arts? Digital?.... nevermind.... :Z 

My first reaction was to find the nearest corner and draw Stella & Judging Committee having their finger nails pulled out ONE by ONE... :ww:ce

But I do have to thank her and I did. For letting me know once and for all that I wasn't good enough for the local market; for making me look out of my lil' cave for someone who might just "get" my art rather than wave it at someone who can't.

:zIts my very, very first rejection! :xI think I need to go through the crud-ridden experiences... if only to find out whether I'll ever get to the good part. I wanted to add this into the journal for anyone who might happen to pass by this way (not those who have already been there, done that and got the T-Shirt :bl)... so they too would know, it's really not that bad.

Getting news (good or bad) eases anxiety of not-knowing once and for all. I've fallen (really, that Transformers II movie is bad for me!!!) and I need time to shake off the dirt and move on. Its not a matter of IF anymore, its a matter of WHEN.

I think this event also qualifies as a Death experience...

shadowdancer wrote: If that is the song used on the film Transformers, we are listening to it a lot at the moment on our radio... and it is powerful.

Ash, I will not take your ramblings in that way at all.....   My diary entries from when I was a 12 year old,  now THEY are what you call ramblings.  :gi

Love the reference to the shadows of gold and the experiences they can lead to.   Your cards have already made me acknowledge shadow aspects of myself, but recently have made me realise I shouldn't feel guilty about having them.

take care 


PS not enjoyed your work... still enjoying, and long may it continue


Dear Davina,

I am so glad you wrote what you did, when you did. I think someone up there is looking out for me and moved you to post this message right when I was reading an e-mail.

 :ttKnow you how much a kind word may help pick someone up? It made me feel alright again...




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 Posted: Mon Aug 3rd, 2009 01:20 pm
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sacredashes wrote: Ooohhh... she broke my heart! :nDid she mean my work is not of high quality? As in... it is looks like an 8 year old could do better? Was it the composition? Was my shading all wrong? Was it not what they wanted... were they looking for flowers and birds? Were they looking for color? Oil? Traditional fine arts? Digital?.... nevermind.... :Z 

But I do have to thank her and I did. For letting me know once and for all that I wasn't good enough for the local market; for making me look out of my lil' cave for someone who might just "get" my art rather than wave it at someone who can't.


Ash, I am so sorry to hear that. Rejection is always a tough one! I wrote two books years ago.. send them in and got rejected on both... yeah.. it hurts:cc, but then as you said, life goes on.

But I tell you, I personally can't understand why they would reject your work. But then again, art these days sometimes has some weird ideas. There are paintings in museums that you would think where the kindergarten drawings of a child. Or some that just merely exist of a red,yellow and blue squares or similar (there is this painting called "who is afraid of red, yellow and blue" and it is like that.. and even seen a great work of art:qq). I don't quite understand why art like that is favored so much and and yet people with real talent get turned down. I guess I like more traditional art, where you can recognize what you see... oh well..

Anyway, big hugs for you! I think it is good at least that you tried to look outside the lil' cave and submitted it! It takes courage to do so.:tt 

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 Posted: Mon Aug 3rd, 2009 09:50 pm
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Ash, when it comes down to it, you possibly had one or two people on a panel who turned you down.  Who knows what they were looking for??

The sad thing is that letter  tells you nothing....and I also wonder if you did call how honest and objective they would be in their discussions and explanations.

If you ruffled a few egos and made them feel uncomfortable with your imagery I think you did well. It just means they are not open enough to look within and that is their loss.  If they are assuming your art might make others feel uncomfortable they are not empowering them to think for themselves.  Again, a lacking on their part.

If you find the exhibition is predominantly digitally produced, it will be a sad reflection on those who have talent using traditional methods.  I really feel strongly about this but that is another discussion entirely.  (Heck I am still half rebelling against the fact Disney animations are no longer made of hand drawn and painted cells).  I sense that in time hand produced art will be akin to shorthand typists - relegated to the memories of those who grew up with it and know different. 

Ash, regardless of this rejection, keep hold of that faith and believe in yourself and your art.  I think you knew from the outset it might not be accepted by the masses, but I feel proud to classed as not being one of the masses if that makes sense.  It sounds like you are still going to hold your head high and continue with what you believe is right for YOU as opposed to changing anything to appeal to the few who represent the masses.  Good on ya!  If you had done otherwise I would have been on a plane and coming over to slap you around with a plastic daffodil to get you back on track  :gi

As an aside I am readying our deck for submissions to publishers.  I am not holding out hopes....  I have already been told if it is anything less than "professional" I won't have a chance.  I wonder if by the world "professional" they mean something other than hand drawn and coloured with pencils eh!  :bl


Can I just finish with a wee story I heard from a top chef called Marco Pierre White?  He had obtained 3 michelin stars for his culinary products, so was pretty much at the top of the tree.  (Youngest British chef at the time to be awarded the honour as far as I am aware)........  but he was being judged on his abilities by people who were not his peers, but were in fact food critics. He decided what gave them the right to comment and critique his food when they were not in the position themselves to judge like that, and immediately walked away from cheffing for a while.  If they had been peers he would have accepted their judgements, but how can a food critic really know what is what if they haven't been in the exact same position on the other side of the kitchen counter?

I cannot prove this, but I suspect those who judged your work would never, in a million years be able to produce pencil drawings like you do.  As I said before, my dad is an artist who specialises in pencil work, yet even he would be the first to take his hat off to you on an artistic level.

Stay happy Ash... sounds like you have come out of this experience really positively.  And for that I take my hat off to you.  :ro   Wonder if I will be doing the same should it happen to me...lol.  Being a Scorpio lass I would either let my chin hit the floor at the speed of light, or would want to borrow your nail pliers  :gi

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 Posted: Mon Aug 3rd, 2009 10:49 pm
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Location: Targu-Mures, Romania
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Most of the great artists didn't get recognition at the beginning ....they didn't give up I suppose as they had the FEELING of their worth/talent/art, etc.  I'm sure you do too. Good luck in the future, your time WILL come...


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 Posted: Wed Aug 19th, 2009 02:05 pm
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Thank you for sharing your experience with me. It is hard dealing with rejection and it is harder talking about it... I appreciate your post and know it will help others as well. :tt


:gi scorpio lass, eh? I am a Scorpio Moon... do you know that the Ace of Cups in The Diary is dedicated to our lot? The ones who ride the waves not because we choose too but because the tidal wave sweeps all reason aside and knocks the world askew. I had to hide the pliers in a safe place... from you as well dear friend because such tools are disasterous in our hands. :hp

rylla... I keep such encouragement in a place where none may take it away. My lil' treasure trove.


Sssshhhh.... We cannot understand anything at all when we fill the void with endless chatter not worth repeating. Rather let us sit quietly beside her and wait. Don't disturb her meditation by making a racket that would wake the dead... 

The Prophet of Silence will not speak if we would listen only for what we wish to hear instead of what is being said. Let her tell us her tale when she is ready. They are a sensitive lot, these Prophets.

All too often we look without really seeing. Ask her, "What hides under the rose?"


II Prophet of Silence

The story of the Lady in the red hood,

Was in fact about one who suffers from a condition of the mind;

She is hunted by the black wolf that howls at the full moon,

It is a beast that resides deep within the chambers of her psyche;

Stalking her with thoughts of suicidal intent,

It runs in her veins, this disorder called Depression;

It took her mother and her mother's mother too!

But they found a way to seize the wolf and slay it,

These Prophets of the Rose;

With a chill pill known as Apo-Amitriptyline,

They skinned the wolf that would have flayed them with razor blade fangs;

And now they have a little peace of mind,

Knowing that the wolf can stalk them no more. :bl




Attached Image (viewed 288 times):

Prophet of Silence1.jpg

Last edited on Wed Aug 19th, 2009 02:07 pm by shadow

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 Posted: Wed Aug 19th, 2009 08:08 pm
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Dear Ash,
I cannot wait, but will and patiently, for to hold a complete deck of yours and wander through your worlds.
You will post here when something becomes available, will you?

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 Posted: Thu Aug 20th, 2009 02:15 am
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Hi Ash..... I am so glad I have e mail notification of your postings.... means I can hot foot over knowing there is something new :hp

Wow, this was interesting.  And revealing, once it was synthesised with the accompanying text.

made me wonder though, is the wolf slain or just asleep?  If you have to take medication to quiten the wolf it isn't really slain.... but is there waiting in the shadows as wolves do.  It will not go away, but will wait for as long as it takes.

The balance is so precarious, both figures being given 50/50 prominance on the card.  this shows how delicately sufferers tread, knowing a missed pill could stir the wolf again.  (recently shown on a TV series in the UK with a retired policeman who keeps his wolf/demons at bay but when he doesn't take the medication, becomes unravelled again).

I love how you have drawn them side by side.  This shows the depression is very real and plays a huge part of their life.  The ear of the wolf caught my attention.  Shows listening takes place, and when we allow the wolf his voice, the voice is not one we welcome, but we cannot ignore what comes forth.

The roses are interesting also.  Underneath we know there are likely to be thorns, and when they cut in, they do draw blood.  Reminder of our life force which is precarious again.  The flowers are what tempt us back time and time again, knowing there is risk there if we try to take hold with no thought or care being given to where we place our fingers.  It also shows on the surface everything looks rosey, yet those who know us well would know what is going on underneath.

So, how does this tie in overall with the traditional imagery and message of the card?  We have to listen to our instincts, but also be discerning as to what comes from us and what comes from the wolf.  Secrecy is interesting.  There is still a stigma attached to certain illnesses, particularly mental illnesses, where people feel they cannot openly discuss their issues.  Does this show she has to maintain a level of secrecy in order to be accepted in society and not judged or treated differently?

Ash, I am fortunate - I have never suffered such illness but know it is real for many.  Not only are your cards thought provoking, they also force us to look at issues which may be taboo in society.  I will not see this as a negative card if viewed at in this way.

Again, I am sure more will come to mind over the next few days :D


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 Posted: Thu Aug 20th, 2009 06:17 am
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I was at April's home on Sunday (from AT forum) and she brought out the much talked about collective deck from over there and let me look at the cards and lo and behold, whose art should I pick out instantly ? Yours of course!

Lovely work as always...looking forward to this deck and enjoying the process as you post :)


PS- also noticed cards from Chronata and Gregory ...all you gals are da best :)

Last edited on Thu Aug 20th, 2009 06:18 am by nicole

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 Posted: Fri Jan 15th, 2010 12:51 pm
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Hello Everyone...

Been awhile since I walked these halls...

On the day of Woe, I returned to find the place abandoned; even the Hermit who lives in the lofty chamber #IX was not at home.  

So I went out to the woods looking for them. Once a year, the prophets will gather by the Ageless tree.

She is the Prophet of Motherhood; the one who weeps over an empty nest; the one who waits by the roadside for the prodigal child to return. She has her limbs stretched far and wide to give shelter to wayward travellers who have lost their way home; she is the one who watches over the prophets at the darkest hour of the night.

She is the perhaps only reason the agoraphoebic Hermit will ever leave his room; with his lamp that will slowly burn the City of Glass into the ground, he will lead them to the tree where the mother lives and one by one, they will lay a rose at the feet of the nameless one..






Attached Image (viewed 252 times):

Prophet of Motherhood1.jpg

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 Posted: Fri Jan 15th, 2010 01:45 pm
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Posts: 588
so beautiful!

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 Posted: Sun Jan 24th, 2010 11:51 am
70th Post

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Lovely! I am glad you are returning to the Prophets, Ash :ok

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 Posted: Sat Feb 20th, 2010 01:05 am
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truelighth, I guess my journey is in this direction now. I had hoped to stay in Jahanam but it seems they have no need for me to be there at the moment. Instead I find myself drawn back here more frequently.

Thank you, Rylla... :D glad you like her.


Prophet of Reconstruction XVI


There was once a Prophet who was deeply misunderstood for noone could decipher her riddled, cryptic words.

Perpetually torn between lucidity and lunacy, who can tell when one affliction overcomes the other? She spoke in a language that is made up of pictures when others spoke in the language of the Silver Tongue.

So in a fit she burned the House of History before she tore down the Tower of Babel, to silence the whispers of the blighted ones.

Now all that is left of her name is Destruction when it was Reconstruction she was after; for every word uttered by her painted lips felt like the kiss of a poisoned blade.

To save herself, she turned to dust, hoping to be freed from her twisted, crippling fate....

My beloved named her Kirell;
Harmless, lonely Kirell;
Bound forever in the spaces between time;
But I will set her free the way I've set you free;
And I will bid her fly far, far away from me.
Kirell... Kirell... you are almost there;
And when your bindings finally come undone;
Forget not the one who cut the rope;
Grant me the wish that I may turn to silver dust;
That I may roam the earth on wings of a maiden dove.

She said to me, "Go ride on the trail of a dying star;
Go find asylum from my stinging hate;
That I may not touch you with my rusty blade;
That I may fade into the depths where my shadows lie;
That I may find some peace when I finally say good-bye."

Attached Image (viewed 231 times):


Last edited on Sat Feb 20th, 2010 01:23 am by shadow

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 Posted: Sat Feb 20th, 2010 03:35 am
72nd Post

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Posts: 45
Absolutely beautiful.  I love how she is taking charge of her own destruction... a brave stance indeed but a powerful one.  So different to how we usually see the victim of circumstances syndrome.

And what is the point of burning down/destroying what you have if you have issues of the past still hanging around causing their own form of damage?

She is on a cleansing mission with a view to starting again.  If we have any sense we will make use of the pathway she is creating in order to start again ourselves.

Nice one Ash.  Will have the usual thoughts tumble through but I love the empowerment you have with this card which is often missing.




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 Posted: Sat Feb 20th, 2010 10:48 am
73rd Post

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Again such a powerful card. I guess it is indeed our path to return to the Prophets right now. The new cards are wonderful. Looking forward to seeing the rest :hp.

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 Posted: Sun Apr 25th, 2010 12:56 pm
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There is an old story that spoke about creation; how the gods of ancient times spun music the way a spider spins its web.

Weaving golden threads of light and sound, they formed the universe; sprinkling star dust across a vast canvas that was once pitch black.

Then they took a tiny part of their essence and breathed life into it; and their essence grew in multitudes.

The songs sung by the ancient gods soared across the Universe for they took delight in their creation. They did not cover the blackness entirely; for they saw how darkness brought out the brilliance of their light, like jewels sparkling against black velvet.

But that was in the beginning; and much has happened since.

We will not speak of all that has come to pass; nothing stays the same... not even the songs that now hold this world together. Tears shed yesterday are like tranquilizers to an agitated heart pleading to be cut; and once crystalized, they hang upon the walls of our memory to remind us we are alive.

There is light in you and I; in equal measure there is darkness that seem to overwelm at times... yet it does not. Good and evil are for dogs and children, a friend told me once and I delighted in that phase for it made me laugh.

On nights when I cease to hear the beating of my heart; I listen to the Prophet who is perched atop a black rose as she weaves golden notes from her violin. Melodies that make up melancholic tales about children like you and I who were long abandoned by the gods.


I wish only to show you the invisible made visible for I can see what is hidden from the naked eye; I imagine all the things that are written in the stars for that is where the songs are kept.

In the darkness of the darkest night, I'll see a jewel burning bright.. a deity so imperfect in her own beauty, she rises above all else.


The beast was here all along...

I believe I found a way to tell the tale without causing much distress; I found a way to post the pictures without having to upload it first... and in my journey across the universe; I think I found a way to cross all boundries :gi

Today I read about Temperence and that need to experience the alchemical process of spiritual death for rebirth to occur.

I've posted the Prophet of Arts here before, she is no stranger to these halls. It feels like a lifetime ago since I have been back...

Last edited on Sun Apr 25th, 2010 01:01 pm by shadow

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 Posted: Sun Apr 25th, 2010 01:03 pm
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If you thought she was beautiful before; imagine what you think of her now... :gi



Last edited on Sun Apr 25th, 2010 01:04 pm by shadow

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 Posted: Sun Apr 25th, 2010 09:27 pm
76th Post

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Posts: 45
stunning, beautiful and any other word you can think of (please insert here...lol)

That style of creative overlaying is going to make for terrific prints (of course absolutely no hint there at all  :hp )




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 Posted: Wed Apr 28th, 2010 01:07 pm
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This story-teller has me captivated

I wish to stay and watch his world take shape so I left my world behind; there's nothing there to lose anyway.

If my eyes start to glaze over while you're talking to me ; you know I'm not at home.

Wings of Heaven - Tiamat

I'll be your master and I'll be your slave

Until the day that you will dance avidly on my grave

Seems like a lifetime we've been living this lie

But I can't help keep lying when you undress before my eyes

The wings of heaven are descending

The touch of her naked skin's amending

The skies will collide

Only for a little while

And it will take us through the night

Thank you my angel like belly dancing concubine

Like Cleopatra you're sleeping safe in a royal shrine

Thank you for the blood and tears and for the table dance

Wholeheartedly I thank you dear for our short romance

Oh.... and thank you for the scars


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 Posted: Wed Apr 28th, 2010 01:08 pm
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shadowdancer wrote: stunning, beautiful and any other word you can think of (please insert here...lol)

That style of creative overlaying is going to make for terrific prints (of course absolutely no hint there at all  :hp )





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 Posted: Wed Apr 28th, 2010 03:40 pm
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I just can't find words how impressive, powerful, stunning and beautiful this drawing is! (I realize that I'm repeating other people's words, but I feel it jut validates the adjectives regarding your art)

 I was rather sleepy this morning, when I opened this thread and saw you picture. It woke me up with a 'WOW' 'AH' 'WOW, WOW, WOW' :ok:ok:ok


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 Posted: Wed Apr 28th, 2010 05:37 pm
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rylla wrote: I just can't find words how impressive, powerful, stunning and beautiful this drawing is! (I realize that I'm repeating other people's words, but I feel it jut validates the adjectives regarding your art)

 I was rather sleepy this morning, when I opened this thread and saw you picture. It woke me up with a 'WOW' 'AH' 'WOW, WOW, WOW' :ok:ok:ok




:bl ...eerrmmm... you do know tho'.. that this is The Devil card? :gi

I asked someone once, "Have you ever been in a situation that is so wrong but feels so right? :cs"

And the reply was, "All the time, baby." :x

Where is the devil icon when you need it? :qq


Last edited on Thu Apr 29th, 2010 12:20 am by shadow

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 Posted: Wed Apr 28th, 2010 09:40 pm
81st Post

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Posts: 45
lol...so I can read the Devil as being a Peeping Tom in some cases then.  Now that is a slant on a card I had never considered but it could kinda work  :ce  What a warped and twisted mind he has... or is that a reflection of mine???  0h darn....   :ee

now these smilies are fun... got to start using them more.

You know my thoughts on this picture.  I love it.  You are showcasing not just your skills in creating a tarot deck but also as an artist with recent showings.  I always knew you had the artistic talent (as we all did) but seeing it showcased in a different format is a great reminder  :ok

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 Posted: Thu Apr 29th, 2010 12:10 am
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shadowdancer wrote: lol...so I can read the Devil as being a Peeping Tom in some cases then.  Now that is a slant on a card I had never considered but it could kinda work  :ce  What a warped and twisted mind he has... or is that a reflection of mine???  0h darn....   :ee

now these smilies are fun... got to start using them more.

You know my thoughts on this picture.  I love it.  You are showcasing not just your skills in creating a tarot deck but also as an artist with recent showings.  I always knew you had the artistic talent (as we all did) but seeing it showcased in a different format is a great reminder  :ok

This picture didn't start off as The Devil card. Someone made a passing remark to me about one day having me draw a pair of eyes. In the train that night, I felt the urge to try drawing the eye and once I started, I couldn't stop.

It was when the belly dancing concubine appeared with her secret friend; I thought.. "Hey, wait a minute... isn't the eye the symbol for Aiyin??!!! (pronounced "eye in".. no pun indended.. well, ok.. PUN INTENDED! :gi)


I remember reading somewhere that the traditional meaning of the card does not denote negative associations; it represent the blind aspect where we perceive things as skewed when it may be "out of the box" or just not conventionally accepted behavior; as in deviations of what is moralistically considered "right".. then again, what is accepted in some cultures as "acceptable" may be viewed as strictly "taboo" in others.

Oh.. btw, if you guys would kindly click on the picture, I've brought entertainment along for the showcase :cool:

"..Thank you for the blood and tears and for the table dance..."

Over here, strip clubs are strictly No-NO!! Elsewhere, its Yes-YES!!

The eye, the eye.. in the sky sees everything...

Yesterday, I was listening to a song and one of the lines made me laugh...

 Blame it on Hell's fire - And on my desires
  The skies are crying blood
  Give me all your lies - And blame the lord of flies
  The face of evil is the face of GOD



Last edited on Thu Apr 29th, 2010 12:18 am by shadow

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 Posted: Thu Apr 29th, 2010 12:56 am
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shadow wrote:

:bl ...eerrmmm... you do know tho'.. that this is The Devil card? :gi


Ya...but that's the whole point !... (for me). I KNOW is the devil card, I GET that is the devil card...but when I look at it I'm ingulfed in the beauty of the drawing and how artistic the picture is...and it makes ne forget the rest. Isn't what the devil is about? illuion,  temptation, and playing on what's ood in people?

well, this is just one of the ways to see this card...I just wanted to share...

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 Posted: Thu Apr 29th, 2010 03:10 am
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rylla wrote: shadow wrote:

:bl ...eerrmmm... you do know tho'.. that this is The Devil card? :gi


Ya...but that's the whole point !... (for me). I KNOW is the devil card, I GET that is the devil card...but when I look at it I'm ingulfed in the beauty of the drawing and how artistic the picture is...and it makes ne forget the rest. Isn't what the devil is about? illuion,  temptation, and playing on what's ood in people?

well, this is just one of the ways to see this card...I just wanted to share..

Brilliantly said, rylla.... I was :ccblinded by that one until you put it across that way :gi

:ttEdited to add: I am glad it has that effect on you because I wanted a card that took away the :freaction everytime the card is mentioned in a reading.. like its something bad... like chocolate... supposedly sinful for the body yet so bl**dy great for the soul. :ro

I guess the key is moderation which should be the lesson learned in XIV, if only we paid attention.. but we never do.. so life goes on... ok.. rambling now..

Good bye.. :rr

Last edited on Thu Apr 29th, 2010 03:18 am by shadow

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 Posted: Sun May 9th, 2010 03:27 am
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hheeeellllloooooooooo... I'm baaaaccckkkkkk........


I went out and caught myself a falling star.

Shook a million glittering shards of diamond dust from her hair before I set her free to roam the universe again.

The Prophet of Hope was trapped in a box once upon a time. Claustrophobia is the bane of her existance but you and I know, hope was never meant to be locked in a gilded cage for it is a fate worse than death to one who is meant to touch others in their moments of need.

She will kiss your eyelids while you sleep; leaving nothing behind but the scent of celestial roses.

As her presence fades away along with the shadows of the night, you'll know in your heart that it is the start of a brand new day as the solar son rides his chariot across the morning sky.

The prophets are coming, one after another... each gift heralds the rise and fall of the wheel of change that make up the cycle of life.

Hope may long gone by the time you awake... but tonight I'm feeling generous, so I'm sending out diamond dust to all of you who may want to make a wish upon a falling star.

Last edited on Sun May 9th, 2010 02:03 pm by shadow

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 Posted: Sun May 9th, 2010 10:27 am
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what a pic,wowww!!

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 Posted: Sun May 9th, 2010 11:39 pm
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Posts: 45
Lovely, lovely, lovely.

That twinkle in the eye really does catch the eye (no pun intended). Reminds us to send out our thoughts/hopes/dreams and stay positive and watchful for the signs that it is being returned


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 Posted: Wed May 19th, 2010 12:22 am
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Warning.... strong words used so ... be forewarned.
**Moderator, if the content I've posted goes against forum regulations, please advice if you want it removed :ro

Prophet of Misery

I'm trippin' on my pills just so I can pretend I'm listening. Rivers of misery to wash away the lies we've been protecting...
It's amazing that you can't see me slowly disappearing. It's amazing how my heart is slowly hardening.

But your accusations tell me it matters not. Harsh words slicing deeper into my already festering wound.. as if it matters not. If I spoke in the language of pictures and you spoke in with a silver tongue, would you dismiss my pain.. as if it matters not?

If only there was blessed silence to fill the air. I would welcome deafening stillness because I no longer care. If this is farewell then perhaps its time to share.... All my guilty lil' secrets and lay my soul bare.

The beast was here all along... and her name is Aur.


Last edited on Wed May 19th, 2010 12:23 am by shadow

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 Posted: Fri Jun 18th, 2010 07:06 am
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MAdness is taking over now... losing it for real... :cs I can't help myself.. really...

Beware of The JEsTeR ChiLd


Lady Justice... I know who stole your eyes... They are the ones who stole mine too.
Let me tell you where they are, for the ones who offend me, offend you too....

Son-Inya the BlackShadow-Liar and Emm-Onia the BrownMud-Eater are harlots you must slaughter...
Shave them and stake them but waste little time on them for they could never possibly matter...
Do rip the skin off the Back from one who speaks with pride... Take your time carving up the tongue of this vain, stupid, beady-eyed boar...
Pray save the craven parasite for last and save the scalp off the one whose name means Crown, dearest sister...
Slowly slice the pounds off a glutton the way you would an overfed pig but leave all the carcasses for the under-taker...
Make the torment last for I wish so badly to hear their screams echo within these halls like a badly castrated troubadour......

Do not hate me for being crazy... rather blame yourself for creating a monster you can no longer control...

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 Posted: Sat Jun 19th, 2010 10:10 pm
90th Post

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Posts: 1069
Yikes! Scary Justice.. you don't want to get on her bad site!:ee

But what a lovely card again. OMG, who stabbed out her eyes. Justice is blind.. but it works for this one.

Great work again, Ash!:ro

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 Posted: Mon Jun 28th, 2010 02:12 pm
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:cl yeah.. they are a scary bunch sometimes..

Prophet of Melancholia XV is one who is be-deviled by attachments. So much left undone, so many needs to feed... lets try to save the underworld by playing requiems for the dead....unlike her other half who would indulge in all deeds deviant without a care for "afterwards".

Prophet of Melancholia   
Someone asked me how I was last week.

I asked if I can show him rather than tell him; for words fail me at times and the language of the Silver Tongue though is rich in numbers, lack a certain "Oooommmmpppphhhhhh!!" when required to describe something that lies beyond description.

He took a look and nodded slowly... Yeah, that doesn't look too good;
If the strings cut too deep, try letting them go instead;
There isn't any point in trying to save the dead.

The beast was here all along...

(This post was edited by shadow on Jun 30, 2010, 1:42 PM)

Last edited on Wed Jun 30th, 2010 01:54 pm by sacredashes

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 Posted: Sat Jul 31st, 2010 01:52 pm
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Caught myself a sparrow today; in my hand I held it tight, lest it flies away.

Thought to myself... should I clip its wings? Keep it with me forever... till time stands still and everything else goes away?

The sparrow looked me in the eye and asked, "Why don't we sail away, you and I... on the high seas we'll ride the waves till all memory of you and me fade away..."

Should I? Nothing to forward to.. nothing to turn back on... Yes... I think I will walk the plank and take a leap of faith... Ride the black waters of oblivion until I pass away.

Capt Sparrow is a prophet to me :hp

The beast was here all along...

Last edited on Sat Jul 31st, 2010 01:54 pm by shadow

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 Posted: Sat Jul 31st, 2010 11:25 pm
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...your art it's just AMAZING!

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 Posted: Sat Jul 31st, 2010 11:39 pm
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Posts: 59
"Fornication Under Consentofthe King HAPPILY EVER AFTER" - Now that is Shakespearean.

This is some kind of Romantic Death Rock Tarot that takes the raw forbidden dark disappointment of life by the throat and then kisses it like a thigh.

Last edited on Sun Aug 1st, 2010 12:04 am by hoo

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 Posted: Sun Aug 1st, 2010 02:04 am
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rylla... i'm so glad you noticed the improvement  in my work... this was like the 4th time i'm trying to do portraits... Capt Sparrow is my best effort so far:ro What a purrfect character for the Fool, eh? :cl

hoo... i love taking the darker aspects of life and looking for its silver lining to find meaning in it... there is always beauty if we look hard enough...

Fornication Under Consent of the King Forever is one such example :gi... and i am very pleased you've done it with the Prophet of Misery card :ok


I didn't have a printer or a scanner for the past 3 months since I moved away from home... Melancholia was what I felt, holding on to many things that made me feel sad, disappointed... helpless.

I had to cut the cord and bleed it out; all the attachments that brought be back to my self-destructive habits... so I showed an artist friends of mine what I felt like because words couldn't describe the anguish or the pain....

I told you how it was... did I show you how it was? I don't even remember if I introduced you to the Prophet before the one I posted last night...

It matters not... its never too late till its too late... :gi

Have any of you tried clicking on the pictures before? Nice trick I picked up... if i cut and paste it here, you guys get the links too :tt


Someone asked me how I was last week.

I asked if I can show him rather than tell him; for words fail me at times and the language of the Silver Tongue though is rich in numbers, lack a certain "Oooommmmpppphhhhhh!!" when required to describe something that lies beyond description.

He took a look and nodded slowly... Yeah, that doesn't look too good;
If the strings cut too deep, try letting them go instead;
There isn't any point in trying to save the dead.

The beast was here all along...

Last edited on Sun Aug 1st, 2010 03:02 am by shadow

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 Posted: Fri Aug 6th, 2010 07:25 pm
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:gi   Its the Number 2!!

:cWhat the heck.. Edited this to the original post I put up in another forum... They can take the uncensored version, why not here, right? :hp

Rock Star 

The original rock star who shot to fame;
Riding on a death star bursting into flames;
Nothing has changed... not even our shame;
Using just a name, to win a political game.

....."We're all bloodless and blind... And longing for a life... Beyond the silver moon.

I don't want to fight... I'm tired of being sorry.

I'm standing in the street, crying out for you.... No one sees me but the silver moon.

So far away, so out of space... I've trashed myself, I've lost my way.

I've got to get to you."

Last edited on Tue Aug 10th, 2010 06:34 pm by shadow

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 Posted: Fri Aug 6th, 2010 10:08 pm
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wow omg what a nice face and warm colours my respect !

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 Posted: Tue Aug 10th, 2010 06:51 pm
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Susannne wrote: wow omg what a nice face and warm colours my respect !

:cl  It was something a friend of mine was tattooing on somebody and I think the original was painted by someone named Frank? Flank? Can't tell from the signature...

Just thought I would use it as reference to practice my portraits.. but its ok.. don't panic!!.. No copyrights infringement here coz I don't plan to publish these images.

Thank you for the compliment, Susanne.. I came up with the colors but not the face....:ce

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 Posted: Sat Sep 11th, 2010 05:19 pm
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Prophet of Strength VIII

I know what it means to be loved to death;

The kiss of your metal stealing my last breath;

If only your fear and awe would spare my tribe;

It would mean I get to keep my stripes;

To love me with your hate;

You would cut me open to seal my fate;

One day we will walk this earth no more;

And our kind will fade away like the echos of our thundering roar.

William Blake's poem: The Tiger

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forest of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could Frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what art

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And, when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?

In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,

And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the lamb make thee?

Tiger, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


Last edited on Sun Sep 12th, 2010 03:05 am by shadow

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 Posted: Sat Sep 11th, 2010 07:23 pm
100th Post

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Posts: 59
Blake's ending doesn't quite rhyme - Yours does. And it's a true epigram, befitting it's 21st century subject (even though, by Blakes time, the tiger was visibly holding the wrong end of the fire-stick). Very nice.

Last edited on Mon Sep 13th, 2010 05:01 am by hoo

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