Tarot Collectors Forum Home 

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Joined: Tue Jan 27th, 2009
Location: Chicago, Illinois USA
Posts: 10
Hi everyone!

Thanks to Janet Berres, I have found this great site.

I am looking forward to connecting with many of you in the coming months.

I just sold my Hello, Tarot deck this evening. It was bittersweet, indeed...in fact, my PayPal account's email is @hellokitty.com. The Divine will have another one for me if it's meant to be in the future, but in the here and now, I needed to pay rent and upgrade some audio equipment.

In the real world, I read tarot professionally, and am a voice over actor. You can hear how I sound at http://www.musevoxvoiceovers.com I also help people organize their lives (homes and offices, thoughts and actions).  Anything to avoid the proverbial "day job".  Ever see the movie "The Break Up"? I'm in the very first scene as an extra! Right between the heads of Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau.

I'm owned by three cats, and live near downtown Chicago. Though not yet diagnosed by a medical Dr., I believe that I have developed a mildish form of fibromyalgia. Yay, me.

Admittedly, the decks in my possession are not really super collectible. I may post some in the coming days, but I wanted to introduce myself before hanging out any sort of shingle. I'm been doing a decent amount of research, and I cannot help but think that I sold my Victoria Regina set to a used bookstore a few years ago for, like, $7. Smooth move, ex-lax.




Last edited on Wed Jan 28th, 2009 07:19 am by MuseVox


Joined: Sun Jan 6th, 2008
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois USA
Posts: 779
Welcome to the forum. I am a good friend of Janet's and way out in the far northwest suburbs ... nice to see a neighbor here: ) 

This is a great place to find information about decks and fellow tarot fiends :hp

nice to meet you,


Joined: Tue Jan 27th, 2009
Location: Chicago, Illinois USA
Posts: 10
Thank you for that lovely welcome, Nicky.

Would we have met at an ITS meeting at Healing Earth Resources, back in the day?


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