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New Mexican tarot
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 Posted: Thu Feb 14th, 2008 03:52 pm
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Joined: Wed Sep 5th, 2007
Location: Glasgow, United Kingdom
Posts: 1249
I recently bought the Genuino Tarot con la Santisima Muerte from an Ebay dealer. There are a growing number of decks dealing with death in this stylised form. La Santísima Muerte (Saint Death) is a religious figure, I believe primarily in South American Catholicism, who receives petitions and bestows good luck, and provides protection against evil. A number of decks seem to be drawing on this popular religious idea. As with many of the trinkets of popular Catholicism, these images are rather undistinguished artistically. The imagery here appears to have been created in one of the low quality graphics programs as any angled line shows the stepping we all knew well in the computer graphics of the 1980's (pre 300 dpi laser printers). This gives the imagery a retro look (though probably unintentional on the part of the publishers). The designs for the 22 cards are quite conventional, but with Saint Death, in the form of a skeleton with scythe, added to the imgery of each card.

This is not a deck to buy for its artistic merit, but it is one of the few to emerge from Mexico, so I think it is quite collectable and I am pleased to have it in my collection.  It is inexpensive. It will probably disappear quite quickly from view and consequently become difficult to find in a few year time. Perhaps someone will come up with a Kokopelli Tarot - that would be a neat parallel.

It was rather difficult extracting the tarot from the packaging without damaging the fragile box it comes in. I used a sharp blade to cut through the masses of sellotape, and have the box stay  in one piece. Any force will rip the thin cardboard of the box.

Attached Image (viewed 80 times):


Last edited on Thu Feb 14th, 2008 03:57 pm by AdamMcLean

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 Posted: Thu Feb 14th, 2008 09:05 pm
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Location: Glasgow, United Kingdom
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It might be wise to bring to your  attention another El Tarot de La Santa Muerte. Despite its title this apparently does not have a tarot structure, and instead has 24 cards showing aspects of  Saint Death's benificence, Health, Good Fortune, etc.

I don't know if anyone already has this deck. I am reluctant to buy it, even though it is inexpensive, as it does not appear to be a tarot as such. Can anyone confirm this ?

Attached Image (viewed 68 times):

El Tarot de la Santa Muerte.jpg

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 Posted: Fri Feb 15th, 2008 10:02 pm
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Joined: Tue Oct 9th, 2007
Posts: 1069
I am not sure about that second deck. But I did buy the first one (Genuino Tarot con la Santisima Muerte) as well as El Tarot de la Muerte from the same seller on Ebay. The last one is a majors only, featuring a skeleton/death which looks a bit like a saint in each card. But it most definately is a tarot. It is a bit of a RWS Clone with the Death card all over to me.

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