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Wonderful Tarot - art prints
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 Posted: Fri Nov 30th, 2007 02:04 pm
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Wonderful Tarot - Arcani Dipinti

A company in Bologna seems to have made a deal with Lo Scarabeo to print large format art editions of a selection of cards from some of their decks. These appear to be printed onto 45 cm (18 inch) wide paper in editions of 50 copies at around about Euro 150  (£100 - $200)



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 Posted: Fri Nov 30th, 2007 03:30 pm
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Mr. la-luna

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AdamMcLean wrote: Wonderful Tarot - Arcani Dipinti

A company in Bologna seems to have made a deal with Lo Scarabeo to print large format art editions of a selection of cards from some of their decks. These appear to be printed onto 45 cm (18 inch) wide paper in editions of 50 copies at around about Euro 150  (£100 - $200)



Wonderful news thanks Adam - now trying to figure out how this site works (sadly this site is only in Italian)

Very large prints i see - these can be the real focal points of a (even very big ) room - Strangely (or even sadly) so far not all decks are represented only a few cards from a few deck, so for those who love a particularly deck can't buy it entirely (perhaps that will come later...)

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 Posted: Fri Nov 30th, 2007 04:16 pm
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I suspect these will be printed to order and thus will probably not be individually signed by the artist.

They come with a certificate of authenticity which seems to attempt to make these prints appear collectable and possibly a good investment.

Do remember that it is very easy to reprint using giclee, so unless there is some hard indication that there will not be subsequent reprintings, it is unlikely that any collector is protected against future reprintings and erosion of the rarity value of an edition limited to 50 copies.



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 Posted: Fri Nov 30th, 2007 05:14 pm
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Mr. la-luna

Joined: Sat Sep 8th, 2007
Location: Aalst, Belgium
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AdamMcLean wrote: I suspect these will be printed to order and thus will probably not be individually signed by the artist.

They come with a certificate of authenticity which seems to attempt to make these prints appear collectable and possibly a good investment.

Do remember that it is very easy to reprint using giclee, so unless there is some hard indication that there will not be subsequent reprintings, it is unlikely that any collector is protected against future reprintings and erosion of the rarity value of an edition limited to 50 copies.



O dear - and i was thinking theire would be a "real" limitation upon it serial number signed by artist and security of no reprints.

The way it's discribed makes it a bit "shady"

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 Posted: Fri Nov 30th, 2007 05:34 pm
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Mr. la-luna wrote:
O dear - and i was thinking theire would be a "real" limitation upon it serial number signed by artist and security of no reprints.

The way it's discribed makes it a bit "shady"

I may be misrepresenting them. I was just making the point that with modern digital giclee printing we can never be sure that an edition will be limited to only a certain amount.  Once an edition, say of 50 copies, is sold out, then the same image can be printed again on similar paper as to be indistinguishable from the earlier edition, either by the same company or by some other company.

One has to ask the question, who is guaranteeing the limititation of an edition?

In past times, etching or lithographic plates were destroyed by being scratched through and then printed. This scratched print was held by the artist as proof that he or she had destroyed the original plate. This will not happen with digital printing and means that there will always be the temptation to issue further editions in future. Collectors nowadays surely must beware as the print market has now changed.

I feel that only the original publisher or artist can give a limited edition guarantee, because, if they break their implied contract with the collector buying a copy, and subsequently reissue material in other expensive editions, then no one will trust them - thus they will lose the confidence of their purchasers, which is a key part of their working capital. We saw that earlier with the Tarocchini Mani.


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 Posted: Fri Nov 30th, 2007 09:54 pm
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I wonder if the artists get anything out of this.
I doubt it.
The publisher probably holds the copyrights to the work, and licensed them to a "fine art publisher."

And, of course, who wouldn't want a watercolor printed on burlap? ;)

Last edited on Fri Nov 30th, 2007 09:54 pm by OnePotato

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 Posted: Sat Dec 1st, 2007 12:19 am
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OnePotato wrote: And, of course, who wouldn't want a watercolor printed on burlap? ;)

Oh boy, I laughed and laughed at that one.

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 Posted: Sat Dec 1st, 2007 02:51 am
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Trump Lloyd

Joined: Thu Sep 27th, 2007
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The publisher probably holds the copyrights to the work, and licensed them to a "fine art publisher."
That would explain the careless misspelling of Jassen for Iassen on the first card in the gallery.

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 Posted: Mon Apr 28th, 2008 08:49 pm
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With my bad english I wish to write something about Wonderful Tarot, the company that started a new adventure on Tarot collection. Maybe my words will sounds not properly disinterested, because Mrs Maria Antonietta Stoico, the Wonderful Tarot owner, given to me the faculty to select and to present the artists for her Fine Art Gallery. I agreed with enthusiasm, because I am a Tarot lover from more of 30 years. In front of the difficulties to pay my work, I suggested to Mrs Stoico to pay with a copy of each work put in the Gallery. But I prendended the maximum control of the production, non only for my business but also for the collectors. Maybe, the words written in the Gallery presentation can be not very clear, and can be some errors of trancription, but there's some facts indoubitables: 1) each image is print in 50 copies on canvas; 2) when the series of 50 copies for each image will be sell, no one copy will be print in any form or technique, from Wonderful Tarot or from Lo Scarabeo or any others; 3) every copy have a Warrant certificate (not the signature of the artist), but the autenticity is guarantee because the original plate is in the collection of Lo Scarabeo. Mrs Stoico have the maximum interest to preserve her collection from any abuse and ask to all collectors if they can suggest some others "strategies" to warrant their own investment. The next month, the on-line Gallery will have a new group of print on sale and I hope will be both the english version of the website. Thank you to all Tarot friends.
Giordano Berti

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 Posted: Fri May 2nd, 2008 11:52 pm
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Way out of my price range. 

I wish the web site had an English translation.

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 Posted: Mon May 5th, 2008 03:31 pm
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Joined: Mon Apr 28th, 2008
Posts: 69
Maybe the next month will start the english version of the website Wonderful Tarot... but I am not the official translator.

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