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summary added

Please say what you think is important about the card you did.  Some will talk about it's meaning, some will mention why you drew what you did, some will say how they did it.  I like to know why you drew what you drew, but you need to choose what is the most important to you.

Please try to keep each entry under 100 words.  If you just can't, try to keep it as short as you can.  Please know I may edit it to shorten it, correct spelling, or clarify meaning. (especially important when there is a language translation happening), unless you tell me specifically not to do any edits.

For your Biography, tell us what you think is important, or what you want us to know.  Last year BlueToy said " Ly enjoys watching particles collide in aether. He thinks (rather wrongly) this is how ideas are formed."  It was the shortest bio and the funniest.  Didn't tell us much about him tho. Other than that he has exceptionally good eyesight.

For examples, look at last years thread.

And NO you don't have to if you don't wanna.  But it sure would be nice.

Attached Image (viewed 93 times):


Last edited on Fri Aug 27th, 2010 12:28 am by skad1


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The Devil – A snake at the Monterey Aquarium in Monterey, California, reminded me of my brother’s childhood pet and a more archetypal reptile in a garden.  It twines around the chart of economic catastrophe.  How many ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil all the while listening to the voice of expertise?

We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?

            Goblin Market – Christina Rossetti

The Hanged Man - Based on an angel from William Blake, made coarser by magical modifications, the Hanged Man is an angel? a saint? insane?  At the very least, he has gone his own way, knowing that he differs from society's expectations.  In each path we choose, we also choose not to take the other path.  Some may applaud his faithfulness to himself; some may chide him for bucking the status quo.  He hangs from the top of the Tau, a flowing blue line like a river of eternity, not completely in focus because his vision is not like anyone else's.

Three of Pentacles – Three men focused on a common goal bring their individual talents together.  Separate they are fragments of the universe; together they are the manifestation of vision.  Photo from the Vallejo Barbarians’ Rugby Club match, Vallejo, California.

Three of Wands – After careful preparation, set sail for adventure!  How do you ready yourself for the unknowns of terrain, weather and The Deep?  And yet, once on your journey, you find that what you bring with you may be more useful than you ever imagined.  Seascape at Monterey Bay, Monterey, California, shows a sailboat launched in the distance overlaid with a well-worn 3-part walking stick. 

Ace of Cups – The name of the rose is love, its depth unplumbed. It is the spiral journey to the heart.  And the dove of peace brings its blessing.  Rose photographed at The Russian River Rose Company in Healdsburg, California; dove from an antique postcard.

Knight of Swords - Off to conquer evil and preserve the Brazilian rainforest and its inhabitants, Dorothy Stang was herself murdered in a hired hit in 2005.  An American who left the comforts of her homeland to help local farmers, she sought to work the land without deforestation.  Her face is obscure by design, since her cause was selfless and her death horrifying.  The Knight rides off to do battle with evil, prepared or not, successful or not, but sure of the mission.

9 of Wands - Smoke 'em if you've got 'em.  This soldier at ease is from a 1908 postcard.  His shoes are worn from the journey, yet this is not his final destination.  He seems to wonder that he's made it this far.  He "leans" on the wand of his pipe, contemplating how far he's come, how far he has to go.  But he's no quitter.

Artist Bio:  Marcia McCord:  That upbeat, enthusiastic and annoying woman with the camera and Adobe Photoshop hails from Vallejo, California, the city known for its bankruptcy, where martial law is not in place and where diverse people seek to live ordinary extraordinary lives.  She is an analyst for a large insurance company by day and professional tarot reader, plus she is an avid collector of tarot decks, stray animals (including her indulgent husband) and blogger at http://www.marciamccordtarotreader.blogspot.com.

Last edited on Wed Aug 4th, 2010 02:00 am by Marcia959


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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia USA
Posts: 137
The Sun - This card is inspired by my 12 year old son, Nail, who was diagnosed with Attention Deficient Disorder-Hyperactivity and Conduct Defiant Disorder in 2008.  Getting him help has been, is and will be a long hard road, but somehow out of his darkness he manages to shine a light of enlightenment and joy on others which sets him apart from the average child.  At his worst, he's a tyrant that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.  At his best, he's a charming, loving, intuitive, empathetic little man who will steal your heart with his simple grin and big brown eyes.  The Sun assures of the brighter side of life, as he is my bright side who fuels the vitality within me in ways I never imaged. Being a kid in this day and age isn't easy, but I know he will grow up to be a strong, successful, good man...just as the sun rises every morning, so shall he overcome and rise to be the brightest star in the sky.

This card was created using magic markers, colored pencils and embellishments I salvaged from a nail art kit. 

Last edited on Wed Mar 10th, 2010 08:42 pm by Ambriel


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The Queen of Cups.  This card was created in Powerpoint using a copyright free Victorian Risque image.  I created the tattoo on her shoulder and added the cup with the crown.  Isn't she lovely?  According to my research, Victorian era photographers often hired burlesque actresses and models for nude and semi-nude photographs.  The market for "erotic postcards" was huge and people enrolled in subscriptions to received the postcards in the mail.  Isn't she so naturally beautiful?  The Queen of Cups does represent a natural innocence and the infinite patience it must have taken to takes photographs of this nature.  I wondered, as I explored the images termed "Victorian Risque", how old some of these young women (or girls) may have been?  Were they treated well? Were they paid a fair wage and afforded the opportunity  to participate in the project as a person, or just as an object?  Were they abused physically, mentally, or  emotionally thru the experience?  A thought...That which does not kill us only make us stronger, allowing us to trust our inner sense of what is true.  These are the things which have the makings of a emotionally strong, stable woman.

Last edited on Fri Apr 2nd, 2010 05:39 pm by Ambriel


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King of Cups

Wise were the kings who never chose a friend till with full cups they had unmasked his soul, and seen the bottom of his deepest thoughts.... - Homer

The King of Cups man is said to be wise, caring, tolerant and most of all in touch with their emotions.  For a woman, this is a dream come true, right?  Of course it is, but with this luxury comes the a deep, complicated thinker who may have a side to him which, at times, may be hard to understand.   As the water flows, this man seeks to understand it down to the molecular level.  He looks deep into the chalice well, hoping to find answers to questions not even the universe can provide.  He seeks to unmask the soul of others, but neglects to reveal his soul to himself, leaving a aura around his spirits which draws the darkest of thoughts.  But, somehow, his special energy manages to inspire those around him...leaving them longing for his presence and yearning for his touch. He cannot be tamed, but he can be loved.

This card was created using a photo I took of my King of Cups and Powerpoint.  This is one of the more "simplistic" cards I created, but in a complicated world...a little simplicity seems to do me good.


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I wanted to see if I could create a traditional Fool from a different perspective, which is why he’s viewed from below, making him seem almost monumental and  highlighting his importance as he sets out on the Tarot Journey.  His movements are awkward and his head seems to be in the clouds, or at least level with them, and, trustful and innocent of the hurts one can sustain in this world, his feet are bare. The string of his butterfly kite forms the blue line that is the theme of the deck and perhaps his only slender hold on reality. The bells, the bells...

The blue line is a lightning bolt that shoots from the tip of the knight’s wand, striking a hole through the flames of his element to leap into new realms of knowledge and wisdom. Volatile and exuberant,  imagination created his strange hybrid mount, a cross perhaps between a horse and a dragon, and supreme self-confidence will carry him onwards on his quest.

The knight holds aloft a pentacle that seems almost to replace the sun in the sky. His great horse is made of oak, its tether trailing along the ground and providing one more link with his element of Earth, as well as forming the blue line that is the theme of the deck. Like this knight, an oak tree moves slowly and quietly, but reaches enormous size and strength. 

With loving concentration a lady practises drawing pentacles on sheets of paper. The garden seen through the opening indicates the element of Earth, the books under her seat that she is studying illumination and calligraphy. The blue line on this card forms the nearly completed pentacle she’s working on. It’s really difficult to draw perfect pentacles freehand – it could take her years…

I wanted to depict the conflict and discord of the Five of Wands with an original twist and yet retain the symbolism and easy recognisability of the Smith Waite deck.  Five strange musicians (one is a conductor),  leap above the fireball that represents the element of Wands, and vie with each other to create discord, both in their music and the wild patterns and colours of their clothing. The blue line that represents the theme of this deck serves to highlight the smoke from the fireball and the division between them.  No musicians were harmed in the making of this image...

The significant Blue Line (among many here!) is the one that issues from the tip of the sword to stimulate newly awakening mental faculties. These are represented by the birds - like the butterflies on the page’s tunic these signify the element of air. The page’s cloak is covered with fragments of sentences, as one could almost call this young person the Page of Words.   

Card Descriptions

All the images were created with transparent coloured inks on white scratch/scraper board, allowing each colour to dry before adding the next to build up a complex multi-layered surface.
Artist Bio: Penelope Cline
Artist and writer with a passion for tarot art and history, comparative religion, the esoteric and those places where myth and legend cross and mingle. Admirer of snails, creator of The Mystic Rubáiyát,  The Pen Tarot and The Wild Green Chagallian Tarot, currently trying to learn medieval Latin while doing the odd book cover and deciding which of a multitude of possible tarot projects to begin next...

Last edited on Wed Jun 30th, 2010 08:22 pm by goldenweb


Joined: Fri Sep 21st, 2007
Posts: 424
3 of Swords

It's our minds that get in the way of our emotional healing. Once we've gotten out of our own way, then our mental strength can assist the process. The gift of the experience of pain as a lesson; we've lost something, but gained something as well.


Regaining balance; stripping away everything to leave our core bare and vulnerable, open and pure. The phoenix rises from the ashes to be reborn. Willingness, honesty,and courage bring peace, and a sense of restored faith. 


Bio: Kimberly Fordham is a tarot enthusiast. She has created two original decks and despises peas.


Joined: Tue Oct 9th, 2007
Posts: 1069
9 of swords:

Despair, depression, worrying, negative thoughts constantly on your mind. The swords (thoughts) are all around the main figure, because it is all she can see. There are however always other possibilities and not everything is as black&white as it seems (blue line).
I made this card by drawing the figure with a marker, scanning it in and tweaking it in photoshop.

Ace of Pentacles:

The ace of pentacles is the element of earth, mother nature. It also stands for a gift. The blue line is a blue ribbon strung to the plants as a wish. At the White Well in England, people used to string ribbons on the tree above the well for their wish to be granted.
The card was made with pastels on white paper.


Artist Bio: truelight is Saskia Jansen. I’ve been addicted to tarot since 1996. I mostly collect decks, but I also do readings (only with the Rider Waite). I was born and raised and still live in the Netherlands


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The Lovers
Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. -Norman Maclean

My Lovers are kissing gouramis who are being watched over by the aquatic Raphael,  in the version of an angel fish. Mad photoshop skills along with vicodens and a prayer and voila!

Occasionally readers define The Lovers card as a choice, but for me it is about love.  Passion, romance, marriage.  Find that person you love and hang on!

Artist Bio: Tarot fiend, mother of two, witch. I currently have the good fortune to run a tarot group in the Chicagoland area, where I can convert others to tarot addiction.  I am delighted to take part in the 2010 TCF Collaborative Deck and am grateful I can hang out with all the cool kids....Nicole Diamond


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Posts: 48
The Hierophant

I chose to use Eden Gray as the Hierophant because her books, The Tarot Revealed and The Complete Guide to the Tarot, were the first really readable books on the tarot that I could get my hands on in the early 70's. After plowing through Papus and Waite, Eden's books were a breath of fresh air; they were readable and enlightening. She proved to be a master teacher and a spiritual guide, as any good Hierophant would.


Janet Berres is the author of Your Guide to the Tarot, included in Llewellyn's Tarot Kit for Beginners. She has been reading cards professionally for over 35 years and was the past president and founding mother of the International Tarot Society, 1997-2003. Janet resides in the Chicago area, near her two sons, daughter-in -law, and the most fabulous grandson in the whole Galaxy!


Joined: Wed Jan 9th, 2008
Location: Morton Grove, Illinois USA
Posts: 48
The Five Of Pentacles

I chose Pamela Colman Smith as the figure to be used in the Five of Pentacles, because to me this card represents lack and material problems. Pamela was undervalued (during her lifetime), which could have led to low self-esteem; both things I additionally associate with this card. She is literally "out in the cold" as shown by the snow falling around her. The crutches imply that had she had more support (financially and perhaps emotionally), she could have achieved more. She is a reflection of the difficulties a single woman of her times had.


Janet Berres is the author of Your Guide to the Tarot, included in Llewellyn's Tarot Kit for Beginners. She has been reading cards professionally for over 35 years and was the past president and founding mother of the International Tarot Society, 1997-2003. Janet resides in the Chicago area, near her two sons, daughter-in-law, and the most fabulous grandson in the whole Galaxy!


Joined: Wed Jan 9th, 2008
Location: Morton Grove, Illinois USA
Posts: 48
The Nine Of Pentacles

I chose Lady Freida Harris as the main character in my Nine Of Pentacles card, completing a tarot trilogy of fabulous ladies! Frieda was the artist of the Thoth Tarot, that she created under Aleister Crowley's tutelage. She became "Lady" Frieda Harris after her husband became a baronet, and was quite financially comfortable. The Nine of Pentacles depicts growth, stability and reaping the fruits of your labor. In Freida's cupboard on the top shelf is a copy of The Book Of The Law, another nod to Uncle Al.


Janet Berres is the author of Your Guide to the Tarot, included in Llewellyn's Tarot Kit for Beginners. She has been reading cards professionally for over 35 years and was the past president and founding mother of the International Tarot Society, 1997-2003. Janet resides in the Chicago area, near her two sons, daughter-in-law, and the most fabulous grandson in the whole Galaxy!


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Posts: 1115
The Chariot

The Chariot, powered by solar winds, swoops around us in a wobbly spiral orbit. 

I had a hard time with the geocentrism.  I had to force myself to draw what I know to be untrue.

You discover what the card means by flying up to meet him.

Colored pencils.

I am a teacher.

Last edited on Mon Jun 28th, 2010 08:30 am by debra


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Gregory is still a granny from the North of England and Southern Ontario. Both her homes are still desperately rural. She contributes obsessively to collaborative decks because she is so afraid of not managing to get a copy in any other way. She is fond of her digital camera, which is the only way she can do cards. Photoshop and the occasional bit of royalty free stuff from a Dover book (which states specifically that the images are royalty free !) and an astronomy website, ditto.
8 Swords.
Why I did what I did – when I saw the woman, I was struck at once by how exhausted she looked. (I remember thinking no way would I want to have to carry stuff that way !) That is in itself a trap. The swords trap her thoughts – being around her head, they prevent her from thinking about a way out of the trap. The blue line sort of seals all that in. If she could just turn around – there’s a wall, but she could get over  - or round it - and out, to where the trees are… Her little girl can see the value of that. She’s looking at the wall. Maybe in the end she will tug on her mother’s dress, and…
Queen of Swords
Why – the night sky for the air side of the swords; the woman – possibly Ceres - working at the harvest to show her strength as a woman alone. She’s almost looking over her shoulder at the sky, but she is aloof, removed from us ordinary folks. Very cool and intelligent. Cuts to the heart of things with incisive force.
Ten of Swords
As I said – we are destroying the earth – and we know this and we just don’t care enough to do anything about it. We have seen the enemy and he is us, as Pogo said. That’s my grandfather’s ceremonial sword attacking the world. (He would have been quite cross about that – but there you go.)

Again – when I was in India I was ashamed of how happy and cheerful everyone was, how willing to share what little they had with the people who have for years exploited them for – MONEY. More and more money – and we still hang on to it and won’t share. And still poorer people welcome us to their countries and share what we have left them. Justice is blind; she doesn't actually care; she is a construct we have made. So it is we who should be implementing true justice. But we won't - because we like money and our standard of living too much. Because Justice would mean sacrifice, and we don't want to go THAT far; someone else should do it.

Last edited on Mon Jun 28th, 2010 04:56 pm by gregory


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Location: India
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2 of pentacles - A calm poised elegant woman tries to balance two lotus flowers in her palms. This is less of balancing act and more of meditative spirit. She is not trying to juggle anything but rather she trying to tap into her inner self her guiding force or the deeper wisdom.

2 of wands - A native american shaman is dancing for the fire ceremony. Wands are fire elements characterising strong yang energy.The shaman is a catalyst who creates this fire and blends into nature and elements.

6 of pentacles - 6 steps are leading to a beautiful lavendar flower garden. These 6 steps are also a pathway to a rich man lending some money to a poor needy. 6 pentacles are lying on each step indicating that there is enough for everyone. The only need of the hour is to share with each other whatever you have to offer.


Joined: Thu Aug 20th, 2009
Location: India
Posts: 63
2 of pentacles - A calm poised elegant woman tries to balance two lotus flowers in her palms. This is less of balancing act and more of meditative spirit. She is not trying to juggle anything but rather she trying to tap into her inner self her guiding force or the deeper wisdom.

2 of wands - A native american shaman is dancing for the fire ceremony. Wands are fire elements characterising strong yang energy.The shaman is a catalyst who creates this fire and blends into nature and elements.

6 of pentacles - 6 steps are leading to a beautiful lavendar flower garden. These 6 steps are also a pathway to a rich man lending some money to a poor needy. 6 pentacles are lying on each step indicating that there is enough for everyone. The only need of the hour is to share with each other whatever you have to offer.


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Location: Masterton, New Zealand
Posts: 334
The Beachcomber and THE HERMIT Crab.

Take time out, to chill out, and sort out whatever...

Earlier this year I revisited a very remote, wild and desolate beach on the east coast of New Zealand, where I had spent several summers thirty odd years ago. I still have the small blue (!), unbroken light bulb, that I found among the flotsam and jetsam way back then, and to my astonishment, I found another unbroken bulb this time as well; (albeit a very plain and ordinary one). As I wandered along, contemplating this oddity, and also wondering what on earth I could come up with for this year's TCF card, I paused to watch a small crab getting moved around by the tide. Hmmm... another light bulb came on!

The crab embodies the single-mindedness of purpose needed to focus on things while everything else is swirling around you.
The two bulbs became the hour glass, with it's sand all run through to signify the taking of "time out".

Pencil, ink, paint, scanner, Photoshop.

Bio, same as last year.


Joined: Fri Oct 12th, 2007
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia USA
Posts: 137
Six of Wands.

I took this picture at the Georgia Aquarium....I was so in taken back by the beauty any mystery of all the beautiful creatures that I couldn't help but notice they were all swimming in their own parade.  The fish in the aquarium...the fish is the lakes...the fish in the seas...they are all on an endless parade, unaware of the troubles of man, and without malice.  Great fish, like the shark in this Six of Wands,  parades around with great power and spender, but no matter how dangerous he may seem, he is always accompanied by a parade of smaller fish who follow him without fear because instinctively they know he only takes what he needs and will lead them to their triumph as well.   Perhaps there is a hidden truth behind the six of wands.  Many of us spend our lives parading about boastfully, basking in the glory of our accomplishments, receiving acclaim and earning applause.  But, we have to work so hard for it, don't we?  What if we could be like to shark?  Cherished, revered, and perhaps feared without the trouble of knowing.


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7 Pentacles

I was GOING to use a prickly pear bush from Italy, (where the car broke down and I had time to take pix !!!!!) but SO, who has developed a real interest, said his apple tree pic would be better and offered it up. That and the plough constellation - the waiting to get your money till the harvest is brought in - but the apples are ALMOST ripe ! The pents are just a pentacle overlaid over some coins as I hated the way you could see what coin it was !

Photoshop with layers, as usual....

You have to wait for things to come to fruition. Patience is needed. But the potential outcome looks good.

Last edited on Wed Aug 4th, 2010 03:40 pm by gregory


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Location: Chicagoland, Illinois USA
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6 of Swords

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. ” Dr. Seuss

Six of Swords is a time to be rational, objective and gain perspective. You will be moving to a better situation and can put the past behind you. Easier times are ahead, possibly due to assistance from others and helpful communication. Or maybe just a fantastic cruise :)

This card was the alternate six of swords I created last year for the tarot collectors forum. It has been niggling at me ever since, and now that it has been updated with the blue line I can submit it and be at peace.  Hanging with these people has made me a temperamental artist -  LOL!       Nicole Diamond

Last edited on Wed Aug 4th, 2010 04:47 pm by nicole


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Five Swords: trying to resolve chaos, to achieve balance out of strife. Aim to align yourself in the best possible way to get past obstacles in your path. Chaos is still out there; but it can be bypassed.
Swords from a Viking museum on Lofoten, chaotic rainbow background – a batik wall hanging in a coffee bar in Hennginsvaer, also on the Lofoten islands. Photoshopped to death by me.


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Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
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An image of a celebration, which came out of the process described below. I see it as a wedding party, with the bride wearing a fish-tail dress, but it could just as easily be something quite different. The blue line that is the theme of the deck is the suggestion of a stream of bubbles that serves not only to link the three cups but to show where they are...!

Card Description

Created from an experimental silk screen print. The process involves layers of colour and thousands of tiny pieces of cut up paper, which are used instead of a more conventional method of masking the screen. The results are fairly random in the early stages, but the final image can be guided into being as soon as one decides on a direction to take. The cups and the blue line were added digitally.

Artist Bio: Penelope Cline
Artist and writer with a passion for tarot art and history, comparative religion, the esoteric and those places where myth and legend cross and mingle. Admirer of snails, creator of The Mystic Rubáiyát,  The Pen Tarot and The Wild Green Chagallian Tarot, currently trying to learn medieval Latin while doing the odd book cover and deciding which of a multitude of possible tarot projects to begin next...

Last edited on Sun Aug 22nd, 2010 08:13 pm by goldenweb


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Posts: 325
King of Coins

Card Description:
The design is a nod to two Max Webers: one an artist, the other a sociologist.
This is OnePotato's watercolor interpretation of an imaginary woodblock portrait of Max Weber as it might have been printed by the other Max Weber.

Card Meaning:
This card represents a King of Coins, or more traditionally, a Roy de Deniers.

Artist's Bio:
In the early 80's, OnePotato studied the tarot from a conceptual and historical perspective under Arthur Corwin at The Cooper Union School of Art. He has since gone on to a career as a designer specializing in symbol design and structural systems.

Mr. la-luna

Joined: Sat Sep 8th, 2007
Location: Aalst, Belgium
Posts: 525
The High Priestess: She who is guardian of secrets and hidden wisdom that she will share only to those who are worthy of it. The High priestess is very often portrayed in a very classical & passive way seated on her throne book/scroll in her hand on her lap. I wanted to show she has many aspect and ways to present herself to us, one conveyed by the image of “Pope Joan” the other by a more powerful looking priestess ready to defend her secrets from the unworthy.

The Page of Cups: Who is better than a poet a writer with a troubled soul who could move from the deepest hell to the highest heavens namely Arthur Rimbaud (one of the most stormy periods was his short and torrid gay affair with Paul Verlaine – a scandal at that period)

The Page of Wands: I’ve played with the messenger element of this card a lot here in all it’s guises; in the sky we see Huginn and Muninn the ravens from Nordic mythology that that fly all over the world, to inform Odin himself about what happened in there. We see a running man brining news (good or bad?) and off course the feather… well remember the old adage the pen is mightier than the sword? One written down message can do more good or bad than a 100 armed man on horses charging towards the enemy can.

The techniques used are collage and photo manipulation in Paint Shop, with incorporation in each card of the “Blue Line” this years unifying element found throughout the deck.

Bio: Mr. la-luna (aka Stefan Spelkens ) is 35 years young already – and still the original taste, no extra sugar or additives’ (although I loooove my coffee). Living in Belgium and among many other thing collecting tarots and this with a fierce passion I’ve even started blogging about it: http://mr-laluna.blogspot.com/


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Temperance: Moderation in all things. Including moderation

Image elements stamped with rubber stamps, then scanned, composited, and colored in Photoshop.

Two of Swords: Ceci n'est pas un hommage à Magritte.

Image elements stamped with rubber stamps, then scanned, composited, and colored in Photoshop.

Bio: Marco Alpert lives at the top of a hill in Northern California with some children, some dogs, and innumerable memories of the love of his life.


Joined: Mon Feb 15th, 2010
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Here are my LWB entries:

The artwork of The World or Universe card symbolizes the dual nature of unity.  Fire and water triads come together on a sunbeam as the World takes form.

The King of Wands card depicts a sunbeam from the eye of the beholder.  Though the wand may appear disk-like, this is simply a matter of perspective.  This card symbolizes direct sunlight and the nature thereof.

The Queen of Wands card depicts a vision of the full moon.  This card symbolizes the lunar qualities of absorption and reflection.  A soothing, hypnotic mirror lights up the night.

My bio is:

The designer of these cards is a (foreign exchange) student of human culture.


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Location: India
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The 7 of wands is oil on canvas painting of a pumpkin farm surrounded by 7 trees. Its autumn season and the leaves are fallen all over the ground.
There is a woman trapped inside a cage in midst of the pumpkin field.
I personally see 7 of wands as a card of obstacles, hurdles and problems and here it was no different so i painted the card with bright colours and covered up the trapped woman with darker shades.


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Location: Targu-Mures, Romania
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King of Sword

The King of Sword influences the way life unfolds. The background shows a theatre as he sees life as a game to play. The blue line means that he controls the play in the theatre.

He is a big strategist (chessboard) and is not above using any methods to get results. He makes a great ally or a powerful enemy.



Passionate about tarot, Amaril Eva Andras lives in Toronto, Canada. She likes travelling, art, tarot, and cats.



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Posts: 160
My card descriptions (please correct if bad english)

The Emperor:

This man tries to control the light. He´s afraid of chaos, the light could become to strong. He´s making forms, holding the light in a frame. So he´s able to use the energy of the light for his next steps and he´s concentrating it in a bowl of power.

Five of Cups:

Drinking is losing contrasts. If this one has drunk all the five cups, he will lose control, he will forget everything, lose consciousness. Sadness and drinking often comes together. We want or we must let go.

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Joined: Thu Aug 20th, 2009
Location: India
Posts: 63
please update the above list.
i have given the 7 of wands details

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