View single post by Toadeater
 Posted: Mon Jun 16th, 2008 03:33 pm
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Joined: Fri Sep 14th, 2007
Location: Denver, Colorado USA
Posts: 36
I love a chance to gather a bunch of items and sort them by gradations of what I like best. Sometimes I hate that, especially, as in this case, when it's so very hard to do. My life is so often full of doubt, second-guessing, backtracking and eating crow, too.

The ones I like best are the Huramentado, the Curious East, and the Masque examples. I think today I was attracted to the differing card shapes, to some extent.

The range of styles is amazing, bespeaking an incredibly irrepressible creative impulse.

Is the Marcelino printed from hand-drawn images, scanned in? And if so, may I ask what kind of pen(s) you used? Was there any manipulation with the computer afterward?

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