View single post by Arnell
 Posted: Tue Apr 28th, 2009 01:34 am
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Joined: Sun Nov 9th, 2008
Location: San Diego, California USA
Posts: 162
Wow, my goooosh everyone! I had to take a break from the Forum to catch up on some deadlined projects and came to find all this incredibly wonderful art here. You all just inspire the bejeezes out of me. It blows me away seeing  all this great art together like this, such vivid imagery, potent symbology, its just incredibly inspirational. I don't know where to begin...but you've got me all jazzed to work on my cards now everyone. I'll do that this week and once I figure out how to upload my 2 cards I'll feel a lot better.
I am very moved by all your wonderful cards you guys! It’s truly a thrill and privilege to be a part of this deck!
Warmest wishes,

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