View single post by goldenweb
 Posted: Mon Jun 21st, 2010 01:45 pm
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Joined: Sat Nov 17th, 2007
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Posts: 985
 BabaStudio wrote: I have mentioned this four times here now and on each occasion I've  had no support whatsoever for a boycott of pirated decks. Why is that?

Well, I definitely support a boycott of pirated decks. If I haven't replied to a thread it could be for any number of reasons - I might not have seen it or seen it and meant to reply later - goodness knows. Sorry, Karen. I guess the same applies to other people too.

I spend very little time at AT, and not much time here except between projects, so am not really up to speed with what's going on. Also I only buy the decks I like or think I'll like (and never buy to resell and make a profit), so perhaps I'm not a true tarot 'collector'.

I did see the Sheridan Douglas fairly recently on ebay - it was so cheap that it just had to be either pirated or a faulty printing that had been intended for the waste bin. I didn't buy one for that reason, although I'd have quite liked a Sheridan Douglas.

Re. the Russian lady, I'm wondering if she's the same one who emailed me a few weeks ago wanting a trade price on one each of the decks I've published. Coincidentally, this was almost immediately after someone had posted here that they were looking for a Pen Tarot, using the heading 'Name Your Price!'.

 I replied that as these are in limited editions of 100, and once sold no more will be printed, that there is no trade price. I didn't hear from her again.

I hope Adam reconsiders his decision to stop producing art tarots.  It would be a sad loss if he doesn't.



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