View single post by truelighth
 Posted: Mon May 18th, 2009 08:58 am
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Joined: Tue Oct 9th, 2007
Posts: 1069
I like that idea, Nicole. The horse as a tractor. Very fitting too for the Knight of Pentacles! :ro


And Arnell, thank you for your warm words. Yes, indeed, you are right on. Justice is a noble idea passed down from the past, but seldom seen these days with all the injustices and things going on. Would you mind if I use that in my LWB description?

I am also glad to share a bit of the history of this image. The town where I was born is very old (founded around 1000 AD I think) and has some lovely old buildings, though few. This is one of them.

Last edited on Mon May 18th, 2009 03:39 pm by truelighth

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