View single post by AdamMcLean
 Posted: Sun Feb 10th, 2008 09:57 am
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Joined: Wed Sep 5th, 2007
Location: Glasgow, United Kingdom
Posts: 1249
What I do know is that I bought the Soulworkers Tarot for GBP19.50 ($39) including postage which includes a paperback book with the set of cards. I hardly think this is an exploitative price. The images that Heather Pedley has designed for her deck are in some cases quite inventive and original.

I had thought that other people might like to buy this newly released deck, and thus I posted out a message about it. This thread, however, seems to be articulating a rather negative view on the Soulworkers Tarot and its creator. I see this as rather unjustified. The Soulworkers Tarot is a worthy addition to my collection. I think it unfair to present the creator of this deck as exploitative, as the price at which she is selling her tarot is really low.

Many people practice alternative therapies, and charge for their services. I myself have no belief in such therapies and will stick to conventional medicine, but a large part of the populaton does believe in such things, and these are a part of the tapestry of our society. One cannot dismiss people if they set themselves up as healers. Some people genuinely believe they have some special knowledge or power in this area.  It is surely not a criticism of an artist, that they have some irrational beliefs. If that were so then, any tarot designed by a believer in some irrationality would be criticised. We cannot surely be selective, and say that people who believe in paganism, or kabbalah, or buddhism, etc are okay, yet criticise someone because we do not particularly resonate with their brand of irrationality. We must accept such irrationality as one of the driving forces behind artistic creativity.


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