View single post by skad1
 Posted: Wed Aug 7th, 2013 04:48 am
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Joined: Thu Sep 20th, 2007
Location: Dallas, Texas USA
Posts: 1255
trzes wrote: Moon.

I hope it isn't too dark. I mean in terms of colors. (The mood can never be too dark for for a tarot card :cool:)

Those with collaborative deck experience: do you think one will still be able to see something on the printed card?

Not posted the final version to skad1 yet, so still open for critical remarks.

I think it's great.

If a card is too dark I have been known to lighten them a bit.  I had to last year on three cards because you just couldn't see the detail.  The printer and I talked over lightening up all the cards when they were printed (easiest change), but the other cards were ok.  I try not to do anything more than I have to, but sometimes its necessary.  It may be just the differences in monitors.  I learned that it is best to have the printer do a test run, that way I can see exactly what the cards look like, and sometimes it is enough different.

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