View single post by gregory
 Posted: Tue Jul 31st, 2012 01:34 pm
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Joined: Wed Sep 12th, 2007
Location: United Kingdom
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Absolutely positive. It was grass from the Astridpark in which a rockfest was going on - the Red Rock Rally, on May 1st this year (well, every year, but it was this year that we went). There is more grass than there should be in the picture, after I deleted the little girl who WAS in there, when I took against my first attempt by - painting grass over her.

But I can show you the original photo if you want !

And you can see that there is a LOT of grass there here: (that sounds rather odd !!!)

 and here. And the second link pic is close to where the pic was taken - the grass slopes on down and there was a huge stage at the bottom.

Most meaning... I would LIKE a desert but haven't a photo to hand.... Of those two I guess, like Pen, the railings, but the fearless girl is the THING, for me.
I wish you'd take the card, debra. Your cards are MUCH missed in these decks :sd

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