View single post by Arnell
 Posted: Sun Feb 28th, 2010 09:57 pm
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Joined: Sun Nov 9th, 2008
Location: San Diego, California USA
Posts: 162
I like your Emperor for the Honeycomb deck Namasteindia…its wonderful.
I wish you all the best with your own deck, I would appreciate seeing a deck steeped in Indian culture and philosophy (and a LWB to describe all about it)... But yes, I understand how that is when you have a small child who needs constant attention and so not much time for personal projects (and also the need to be careful with all those art supplies lying about). It’s a real challenge to try and juggle it all…but please take your time and enjoy the process of creating your cards. For me that is the best therapy!
Speaking of psychology (since you brought it up), while I did find the study of it mostly fascinating and I enjoyed learning about the different theories (especially Jungian), I did find the actual work to be slow going, frustrating, emotionally draining, not much like the books would lead you to believe. Ha! Most people seem to be very attached to their troubles and just want to talk about them over and over without much moving forward. Art therapy on the other hand seemed to be more meaningful and we could see a glimpse of the light (at the end of the tunnel, metaphorically speaking), and often more healing on a deeper level. But I spent years studying and didn’t spend much time trying to be a therapist. It wasn’t a good fit for me. I learned a lot in the process even if I didn’t feel comfortable going into private practice.
I’m glad you’re going to do an Ark Tarot card! When you get around to it, please share which card you end up doing. Good luck and hope you enjoy the experience. I may do a 3rd, Ark card closer to the end if they are still missing cards…
My best to you and your little one. Namaste to you too! Ciao, Arnell

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