View single post by USCSS Nostromo
 Posted: Sat Dec 8th, 2018 05:21 pm
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USCSS Nostromo

Joined: Sun Nov 4th, 2018
Location: USA
Posts: 20
gregory wrote:
I just got mine (delightfully offensively personalised...!) - and yes, it's lovely. Even the BAG is personalised.

When my heirs sell my stuff on, someone is going to get a bit of a turn!

seeing as how you have such an extensive collection, your heirs probably will not know which are the most select and valuable.

If I were you, I would make a list of the rarest titles in your collection and make sure your heirs are well informed of their potential value and how to properly dispose of them, assuming that they will want to sell them for profit.

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