View single post by hobbit
 Posted: Thu Jul 14th, 2022 03:35 pm
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Joined: Tue Jul 12th, 2022
Location: Boston, Massachusetts USA
Posts: 5
For what it's worth given the visible activity level hereabouts, I will use this
thread to update the tarot community on the status of my mom, Barbara G.
Walker, who authored the "Barbara Walker Tarot Deck" as well as the book
"Secrets of the Tarot: Origins, History, and Symbolism".  With her very
rudimentary computer skills, she never had the desire to join any online
forums or the like, and I didn't see any need to put any of her life online
until recently as her health has begun to decline.

This year she's 92, and would be absolutely fine if it wasn't for creeping
neuropathy that's affected one leg, slowly, from the right foot working upward.
This has been the expected disaster as far as mobility, and a corresponding
progressive feeling of becoming helpless, but we're doing what we can to
keep quality of life decently high.  Her brain still works as well as you'd
expect from someone that age, i.e. the usual sorts of putting something down
and forgetting within 30 seconds where it went (like we all do sometimes!),
but that's relatively minor.  Other than the mobility issues, she's been
living in a happily independent way at a nice retirement facility in Florida.
Except for a year off during covid peaks, I've been down there every December
holiday season to hang out.

Her accomplishments are not just within the realm of tarot, of course.  I
have started a little mini-website about her and her other works, mostly
hosting her writings about spirituality, feminism, religion studies, and
flat-out rants about the sorry state of patriarchy.  The site is at
via a simple Amazon S3 bucket-as-a-website setup.  Some of you may find the
non-tarot items there amusing to read.


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