View single post by Agonistes
 Posted: Fri Jun 19th, 2009 12:37 pm
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Joined: Thu Jun 18th, 2009
Location: Oxford, Alabama USA
Posts: 22
thanks for your answers.  i'm happy to post the other scans, if anyone wants to see them, or just wants to preserve the designs, but i didn't want to take up too much space or anything.

i did google the artist, and i would like to order the book (something i didn't find).  hopefully they will still have a copy around payday, lol.  what i know about the deck is scant.  the fellow i traded with (i gave him a two hundred dollar tattoo for this deck; i figured it was worth it after glancing at two or three of the cards) told me he got this set in philadelphia and was told then the artist was an heir to a wealthy family who spent much of his time homeless, but came back periodically to his home and in between, was published on a small scale by whom, we don't know.

this particular set, and i am not certain it is even a full set (there are only 58 cards plus a cover card and a blank card that has little blue lines on it like an index card), is printed on flimsy card-stock with no pattern on the back.  they are definitely printed, not drawn, which is why i hoped there might be more of this deck around, even though i knew it was most likely rare.  i can't find a set to compare them to, they all seem like major arcana cards to me, with no suits, but there seems to be some relation to voodoo in the art.

and, if nothing else, i just wanted some people to see this deck (which i keep put away and rarely touch with my fingers).  the art's so cool and unique, it deserves to be seen.

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