View single post by AdamMcLean
 Posted: Thu Jun 10th, 2010 09:33 am
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Joined: Wed Sep 5th, 2007
Location: Glasgow, United Kingdom
Posts: 1249
gregory wrote: kudos to the offender Adam named yesterday for the public rethink on her site.

This public rethink sadly does not really represent this persons true attitude. This person wrote to me to say :-

I've removed the Goth and Lebanese Tarots from public view on my tarot page along with any reference, recommendation, nice comment or link to your website I've ever made.
In other words, they see me as the offender, and think it justified to remove any recommendation or nice comment about the tarot decks. I am made the culprit. This person knew they were doing wrong as they had already had to remove Ciro Marcetti's decks after an earlier complaint. They are not the innocent naive person they appear to be. They are only annoyed at being found out and forced to remove my copyright material.

I have received no apology from this person. That in itself speaks to their attitude.

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