View single post by Ambriel
 Posted: Tue May 4th, 2010 02:43 pm
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Joined: Fri Oct 12th, 2007
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia USA
Posts: 137
truelighth wrote: Ehhhmmm... ok, I don't really want to heat up the whole 'blue line' or no 'blue line' discussion and all of that.

BUT... I do have a question. What about black&white cards? There were some wonderful black &white cards in the last deck and I am just wondering how we can have some of those again, including a blue line. Thoughts anyone?

(Ok, so I was thinking of a black&white one again.. can't seem to figure out how to get a blue line in there, unless I make the card blue&white of course...:gi)

perhaps....a thin, subtle fine blue line strategically placed to draw the eye to a particulary symbol within the card....

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