View single post by AdamMcLean
 Posted: Thu Jan 10th, 2013 11:57 am
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Joined: Wed Sep 5th, 2007
Location: Glasgow, United Kingdom
Posts: 1249
Rules for this section.

1. Please do not post full sets of images of unpublished tarots in this section. Two sample images will be acceptable.
A link to the artist's website will be okay, but we must respect the intellectual property of the artist.

2. Please open a new thread for each tarot, as it will get very unwieldy and totally confusing if everyone posts in the same thread.

3. If possible please post as much information as possible, i.e. the artist's name, country of origin, date of creation of the tarot, art medium, and any biographical information you can find.

4. If you have any information you would prefer not to place directly on the forum, please email this to me

Adam McLean <>

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