View single post by gregory
 Posted: Sat Mar 6th, 2010 10:12 am
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Joined: Wed Sep 12th, 2007
Location: United Kingdom
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Sorry - I have company !!!!:cool:

I did actually undo it that way, but it was a ghastly few moments.... Come undone - NO chance. But it was all so well wrapped in the film - would it have mattered ?

But I hope everyone expecting one reads this too.... :D It's not the first such deck that has had me worried... Diary of a Broken Soul was another - and there was one where I actually had to CUT a large round sticker through its centre with a Xacto knife.... It HURTS me to do that, but there was no prayer it would open any other way.

Just a thought for all you beautiful people wrapping beautiful things.....

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