View single post by TheThumbPuppy
 Posted: Sun Sep 26th, 2021 01:59 pm
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Joined: Fri Sep 24th, 2021
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Posts: 10
Thank you, Gregory, glad to be part of it !

Yes, I did see those links. Unfortunately the images are only 300dpi, even where it says 1200dpi.

In fact, I've been corresponding with Kenji on twitter, who tells me that when he uploaded the 1200dpi images they were automatically converted to a lower resolution. I hope that Kenji will let me help him upload the original 1200dpi images (I was an I.T. consultant in my previous life).

Unfortunately the scans of Pam-A Roses & Lilies which were provided by Truelighth are 300dpi to start up with. I wonder whether Truelighth would let me take new 6400dpi scans of her deck, if she happened to live in my neck of the woods (I live in Belgium)? I hear that there are very few Pam-A Roses & Lilies around.

It would make it great fun to analyse the cards at that resolution for the smallest printer's oddity and Pam's artist touch.

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