View single post by skad1
 Posted: Wed Feb 20th, 2008 01:14 am
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Joined: Thu Sep 20th, 2007
Location: Dallas, Texas USA
Posts: 1255
mythos wrote: Ummmm ... embarrassment plus after seeing everyone else's .... forgive the chimeric mess.  Ta Da!  The Hanged Chimera Man.


I really, really like the "hanged Chimera man"!  :ok:ce:l it's so much better than what I imagined a chimera would be, and I like the fish hook in the foot.  Original thinking!  I just wasn't too sure about the chimera idea, but you've done an absolutely wonderful card.

Well, I did my first sketch, and was actually fairly pleased.  then...I came and looked at everyone else's, and my poor sketch looks yucky.:s:s :f 

There is a great deal of original and very creative stuff happening on these cards. 

As far as a name, how about the TCF 2008 Collaborative Deck.  Can the back have a picture of a rabbit banging his head?


Last edited on Wed Feb 20th, 2008 01:15 am by skad1

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