View single post by skad1
 Posted: Tue Jan 8th, 2013 10:49 pm
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Joined: Thu Sep 20th, 2007
Location: Dallas, Texas USA
Posts: 1255

I guess we are doing a 2013 deck.

I was just checking for interest!  Wow

Now I need to start the Excel spread sheet and all that.  No rest for the wicked!!!

Did you notice the surprise?  Bluetoy snuck in at the end.  :ce:ce He's been in every deck so it good to see him in this one.

What did you think of the LWB?  Full page ok compared to little lwb?  When you think of the answer to that, add to the calculation that the full sheet cost under 7.00 USD, where the little one would have cost 37.00 USD.  I thought that made the full sheet look really awesome!

The last decks went out today.  Sorry it took me so long, Pen, but it's done now.  Please let me know when you get them. 

We only had one participant that didn't want a deck, and that didn't stick around very long. 

And finally, I will start a new thread for the 2013 deck.  One major and 4 minors? ?All minors to be the same type (eg all 4 of the 3;s or all the kings, etc. )  If you want less, that is ok too, but it;ll be first come, first serve. 

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