View single post by OnePotato
 Posted: Thu Aug 6th, 2020 05:47 am
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Joined: Sun Sep 9th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 325
Hello Lorraine.

I believe I remember pagan1 from ebay, back in 2000 or so, when I was selling my extra copies of Bill's Tarot. I started collecting a few years later, in 2006, after Stuart Kaplan's auction at Christie's. At that time I bought the hand printed Anna Maria D'Onofrio at Tarotgarden. I've seen your name on several of the old TG photos, and wondered about some of those "unavailable" decks, and your story.

I think you'll find a lot has changed in the past 15 years. I rarely buy new releases, and there doesn't seem to be much discussion anymore. These days most of my energy goes into the older decks.

Anyway, welcome to the forum.

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