View single post by blackthorn
 Posted: Mon Jan 1st, 2018 09:35 pm
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Joined: Mon Jan 1st, 2018
Location: New York, New York USA
Posts: 6
Hi All!

Although I have been reading tarot for quiet sometime, Oracle decks are somewhat new to me. I purchased the Isis Oracle after having someone use that deck on me, but it's been difficult to connect with. As beautiful as some of the guided meditations are, it's a very deep deck that I don't believe I am ready for yet.

Does anyone have recommendations for Oracle decks that can help with self-healing and discovery? I want to focus on cleansing and releasing negativity, as well as increase my self-love.

The Moon Deck has stood out to me as an option, but I'd love to learn about suggestions you all might have.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I look forward to reading your suggestions! :)

Happiest of New Year to you all!!

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