View single post by katroving
 Posted: Mon Oct 29th, 2018 10:31 pm
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Joined: Thu Feb 8th, 2018
Location: North Rothbury, Australia
Posts: 68
This is a reply to Agonistes in 2007,Since the seventies, I also found a number of people who would say that the cards were negative.  This was quite interesting to me, as the cards appear to bring out people's own fears and uncertainties. A reading would involve me saying, no, I don't see that at all - to the person.
Part of the discomfort, for some seemed  to stem from the use of snakes as a motif. 
Robin, himself was comfortable with snakes and did not associate any negative feelings with them.  He had an earring which was a good rendering of the Nemesis card snake.  He later gave it to me, but it was stolen from me when my home was robbed in the 80's.
For some people, truly clearing their minds, is quite difficult.  I imagine that if Terry Pratchett's death were on a standard tarot, many readers would see the death card more in the way that it was originally intended.  I, myself,  have taken to doing readings with a plain deck of cards.  The supplicants are usually puzzled when I begin and surprised once I have done the reading.  When cards generate senergy in the supplicant- it really takes a lot of energy to clear that away in addition to clearing one's own mind.

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