View single post by katroving
 Posted: Thu Feb 8th, 2018 07:16 am
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Joined: Thu Feb 8th, 2018
Location: North Rothbury, Australia
Posts: 68
I was also a friend of Robin's. For those interested I can post copies of the complete set along with his hand-lettered directions for casting the tarot. Before the deck was printed some of the images were used to illustrate "Psychedelic baby reaches puberty" by Ptere Stafford. The story that his wife Karen told me was that Robin often destroyed his art and she wanted to both make some money and preserve his works. Robin was indeed the son of a Swedenborgian minister. Later in his life he started having hallucinations which he was able to subdue through alcohol. Essentially disowned by his family, he lived on the street or in friends' garages. he did receive a small trust fund which allowed him to buy beer and some food. But he was no longer drawing at that time. The last time I saw him in 1998 he was still as kind and gentle as always. I was sorry to hear that he passed. I think his work is worth preserving.

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