View single post by skad1
 Posted: Thu Feb 19th, 2009 07:25 pm
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Joined: Thu Sep 20th, 2007
Location: Dallas, Texas USA
Posts: 1255
Reminds me of the lyrics to Karnevil #2

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside
There behind a glass stands a real blade of grass
Be careful as you pass,.move along, move along

Come inside, the show's about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth
Greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll, oh

I just realized I am really showing how old I am! :c

Last edited on Thu Feb 19th, 2009 07:29 pm by skad1

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