View single post by goldenweb
 Posted: Wed Mar 4th, 2009 08:44 am
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Joined: Sat Nov 17th, 2007
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Posts: 985
I've just remembered another way that I investigated when researching options for the Pen Tarot.

There are online printing companies to which one can register and upload images. One can then share the password for the gallery in question and so allow others to order postcard sized prints. I've ordered sets of proofs in the past - the card quality is good, and the cards are already cut and laminated when they arrive. They're a good size too, which is lovely for the artwork. The trouble for me was that I didn't want laminated cards and the cost of 100 sets was too high, but individually a set of 22 or 23 cards should be affordable. The other problem was that the cards are only printed on one side and they were unable to remove their company name from the back as everything is already set up. I did consider backing the cards myself, or  even printing on the reverse if I could obtain the cards with plain backs.

The UK company I tried was Photobox, but as most of you are in the US I guess there are similar companies over there. It might be worth a look - that way we could not only order our cards indivually, but personalise them with different backs. I suppose we'd all have to promise to print only one set though. And we'd need a proof or two to check quality as this can vary muchly.

Just an idea....:cool:

Pen, (wedded to the ellipsis)

Edited to add:

And it's not very clear, but the cards (even if different) become cheaper the more you order.

Another thought: It would also be possible to print two cards to a postcard and so halve the price.


Last edited on Wed Mar 4th, 2009 08:56 am by goldenweb

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