View single post by skad1
 Posted: Sat Jan 12th, 2013 07:27 pm
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Joined: Thu Sep 20th, 2007
Location: Dallas, Texas USA
Posts: 1255
goldenweb wrote: I'm going to sit this one out - too many demands right now - sorry.

Ah, that's too bad, you're one of the people who have been involved since almost the beginning.  And like someone else who skipped, once it's done, you can never get that deck. Remeber you have until June to complete the card.

I sorted on who has been in each deck, and there were 56 people involved, of those so far there are 7 who have been involved in all the decks (including this one.) there are 4 with 6 decks to their credit, 3 people with 5 decks, 5 with 4 decks, 5 with 3 decks, 15 with 2 decks, and 17 with one deck.  How about that for a bit of statistics?)  The numbers include this years deck. 

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