View single post by Marcia959
 Posted: Thu Nov 3rd, 2011 10:03 pm
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Joined: Tue Nov 18th, 2008
Location: California USA
Posts: 394
Hi, Kimber, I guess you're just touching on the cusp of what makes it difficult to put this deck together.

Not everyone is going to like everyone else's artistic contributions.  It's a collaborative deck and it's a collage of efforts.

skad1 struggled to get everyone to submit their LWB entries in a timely manner (including *blush* me, the tardy one).  Several contributors feel comfortable submitting their artwork but are very shy to attempt to write about it. 

Some people don't have the tools or knowledge to figure out how to submit high-resolution images.  Behind the scenes the team tries to work with those folks too so they can still be successful in their contributions.  We don't name names of course because we love them and don't want them to be discouraged.

It's expensive even though skad1 has found us a bang-up printer.  Someone, one of us (this year it's me) has to pay for all the decks in advance so that we can receive them.  Then, we're dependent on people coming through as they indicated to pay for their own deck.  We tried to get an exact formula to make sure all contributors pay for is the deck + shipping and handling, plus one copy for Adam and one copy for the Museo.  When people don't pay this year (you can do the math from the list of who has paid subtracted from the number of contributors), I get stuck with the extra decks and the extra cost.  Technically, there aren't supposed to be extra decks, so at some point I think I'm honor-bound to burn them! 

Our chief nagger and cattle-prod-in-chief gregory has done everything short of dancing on people's heads to make sure that people meet deadlines for submissions of artwork, bios and descriptions.

We do our best so that it isn't a 2011 deck published in 2012!  When they go out, we're thrilled.  When people acknowledge receipt, we're thrilled.  And we hope to do this again in 2012.  Despite the trouble and the downsides, this is a very cool project that I love, personally.

I hope the contributors are proud of their work, will all be brave enough to write bios and descriptions next year, will all be financially flush to pay for their decks and will encourage others to be part of this wonderful collaboration.  We are all Happy Squirrels here.

Oh, and Janet, really the only comment I had about the HS card was that it seemed like a modest sized-collection considering the squirreling away I know I mere 300-400 decks pale in comparison to some collections here!  Otherwise, we know what squirrel-hearts are and the pleasure of the hoard!  Your picture does depict that, surely.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed and who will continue to contribute.  We love you all. 

And of course if you haven't paid for your deck and you meant to and it just slipped your mind or you were waiting for the check to come in from the Ace of Pentacles, there's still time to get yours!



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