View single post by Peter
 Posted: Tue Sep 3rd, 2019 06:58 pm
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Joined: Sun Nov 11th, 2012
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Posts: 129
I finally got a copy of the Tarot of Frown Strong and was interested to see the variations in names for some of the cards:
1. The Juggler
2. The Priestess
3. The Empress
4. The Emperor
5. The Hierophant
6. Life
7. The Chariot
8. Justice
9. The Searcher
10. The Wheel
11. Strength
12. The Hanged Man
13. The Reaper
14. The Communication
15. The Green Man
16. The Tower
17. The Star
18. The Moon
19. The Sun
20. The Resurrection
21. Nymph of Ability
[0] Negation Card [has 'FOOL' on forehead]

Now I need to go back and look at the Golden Quest and Gemrod; perhaps I can figure out their sequences.

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