View single post by goldenweb
 Posted: Tue Oct 30th, 2018 08:10 am
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Joined: Sat Nov 17th, 2007
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Posts: 985
I also found a number of people who would say that the cards were negative. This was quite interesting to me, as the cards appear to bring out people's own fears and uncertainties. A reading would involve me saying, no, I don't see that at all - to the person.
Part of the discomfort, for some seemed to stem from the use of snakes as a motif.

Hi katroving. This is art that takes no prisoners. It has come to life from the artist's mind without inhibition or modification for its possible reception. The system created strikes one as powerfully occult and dangerous - the snakes may contribute to that, but IMO it's the style/quality and subjects of the art (including the written words) of the deck as a whole that make it too overwhelming for anyone to read with unless they understand or are prepared to spend time learning to work with it.

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