View single post by Boundless
 Posted: Mon Jun 21st, 2010 07:48 am
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Risible !  We are not fools. You are actively encouraging people to scan copyright material at print quality. Why come onto this forum and try and justify this ? It is activities like this that destroy tarot publishing. If you have any care at all for the future of tarot publishing you would stop encouraging others to make copies of material. Otherwise in a few years time small publishers of tarot, like myself, will just give up. There will be no more Lebanese Tarot. You are actively destroying my income, stealing the funds I use to produce more tarots. You encourage people to steal my work.

Well, you are behaving like a fool. There is nothing illegal, immoral, or unethical to show others how to use their scanner and make backup copies of their possessions. Regardless of what publishers would like. I do not need to justify anything, but I will not ignore lies and slander about me and my site.

As I have said, I have not sold any of my scans, or access to the collection.

"You encourage people to steal my work." Bullshit.

Well we only have your word  for that. You have no right to pass on my images to other people. I know that people will do this with their friends, but what you are doing is in the public arena. What you put up on the internet is not private - as it reaches over a billion people.

My site may be public, but as the link states within the Library, the CTC is PRIVATE. Do you not understand what that means? No, billions of people do not have access to that material, it is password protected, which means to gain access you must have a password. This idea is very simple. However, I would love for my site to have Billions in traffic, that would be great.

If you really were just sharing things with a few friends you would just email them the material (as I am sure many other people do) -  not set up a private password protected space on the internet to which only you can give access.

Ok, I see you do understand the idea, but you choose to employ ignorance when it suits your agenda.

I do not know under what terms you provide access to this private library, but it seems to me that in setting up such a private library within a publicly available web page you are not merely sharing a few scans with friends.

The terms are very simple. The person must be a personal friend of mine with an interest in the Tarot, in which case I may create an account for them to access the CTC.

We have no idea what you place in this library

That is the point of a password protected area, to keep people who do not have permissions out.

 and what you charge for a password.

As previously stated in my first post, you cannot buy access or apply for access to the CTC.

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