View single post by Sumada
 Posted: Mon Sep 12th, 2011 09:46 pm
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Joined: Sun Jan 27th, 2008
Location: Masterton, New Zealand
Posts: 334
Hey everybody. There's a newish Tarot Blog I have recently discovered that I thought you all should know about, especially if you are interested in mid 20th C. English Tarot, and the Insight Institute in particular.

I have found this blog to be utterly fascinating, and as 'Auntie' only began posting in July of this year, it's not too daunting a task to start at the very begining and devour it all! In fact, I would heartily recommend that you do so.

Here's her second post to get you going...

"Dummett, Decker and Depaulis, in the books A Wicked Pack of Cards (Duckworth, 1996) and A History of the Occult Tarot (Duckworth, 2002), have done sterling work charting first the burgeoning of esoteric interest in the Tarot and then the expansion of its use in fortune-telling and allied occult pursuits through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. What is largely lacking from these treatises is the perspective of the Tarot’s place in the world of the man and woman in the street on the one hand and in that of ground-root occultists on the other through certain significant periods and in specific geographic locations. One such period covers the middle years of the twentieth century; one such place, the British Isles. I propose to open this blog with a snapshot of this time and place captured through the lens of the UK’s premier occult magazine of the era. Particular attention will be paid to assumptions and practices pertaining to the Tarot current at that time but not generally held or made use of today. My aim in so doing is to aid the charting of the rise and fall of certain cartomantic concepts through the second half of the twentieth century."

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