View single post by Langustl
 Posted: Tue Aug 25th, 2009 06:55 am
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Joined: Fri Jun 27th, 2008
Location: Konstanz, Germany
Posts: 160
Princess (Page) of Coins:

Card description:

A girl (my daughter), sitting at a table, is counting the coins of her piggy bank.

Card meaning:

Discovering what we can find, open your eyes, a surprise, being open for material and beautiful things, possibilities, collecting something, learning to deal with values.

Artist bio:

I´m born 1964, an educated woodcarver and cabinetmaker, now working as a therapist. Since more than 20 years I´m busy with Tarot. Because I also painted my whole life long I started to paint a Tarot Deck a few years ago, what is called Langustl Tarot and meanwhile pubished since June 2008.

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