View single post by BabaStudio
 Posted: Tue Jun 22nd, 2010 08:06 pm
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Joined: Fri Jan 18th, 2008
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Posts: 60

I'm asking if the printer "wants to check" the copy right of material how much work is it to be sure the material is printable without breaking copy right laws.
Trying to gauge how much work it would be for the printer to check.

Printers don't have time - they just get the client to sign off. So do publishers - only in their  case they get the author/artist to sign off.

I mean if I took Disney pictures to a publisher and asked them to publish them, they might smell a rat and not issue a contract in the first place. :? But generally, it's in publishing contracts that the author/artist states that they own the copyright of the material and/or have obtained necessary permissions.

I hope that's now clear.

Last edited on Tue Jun 22nd, 2010 08:07 pm by BabaStudio

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